
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团




1. 本部分采用独白的形式,主要讲的是房屋设计。文中开始说So, I’m going to start with a house which is constructed more or less under the ground,其中“more or less”意为“或多或少”。

2. 接下来这位lecturer 详细介绍了房屋的建造设计Their chief aim was to create somewhere that was as environmentally- friendly as possible(他们的主要目的在于房屋建造要尽可能地环保),其中“aim”表示“目的”,“environmentally- friendly”意为“对环境无害的,保护生态环境的”。

3. So the first thing they did was to look for a site.(他们首先要做的就是找一个地点。)“look for”意为“寻找”,“site”是名词,表示“地点”,如construction site 意为“施工现场”。

4. 然后演讲者又说As I’ve said, it was a design for a sort of underground house, and it was built into the earth itself,“as”表示“正如”之意,作连词时,如果说明一般的因果关系,语气则比because 弱,而说明比较明显的原因时,它引导的从句通常放在句首,有时也可放在句末。

5. The north, east and west sides were set in the earth, and only the sloping, south- facing side was exposed to light(北、东、西三面被设定在地下,只是朝南有斜坡的一面暴露在外面),其中“north、east、west、south”都是表示方位的词;“be exposed to”意为“曝光,暴露于”。

6. Now, what is of interest to us about this project is the features which make the building energy- efficient. 其中“of + 抽象名词”相当于该抽象名词的形容词含义,所以“what is of interest”等同于“what is interesting”之意。

7. In fact, and it’s possible that in future the house may even generate an electricity surplus.(事实上,今后房子产生电力盈余是可能的。)其中,“in fact”表示“事实上”。“in future”表示“今后”,它不同于“in the future”,后者意为“在将来”。

8. As well as that, wherever possible(除此之外,只要有可能),前后两部分都表示强调。

9. For example, the floors are made of reclaimed wood.(例如,地板是由再生木材制成的。)“for example”和“for instance”同义,表示“例如”;“be made of”意为“由……制成”。

10. And, as you know, this is very damaging to the environment.(正如你所知道的,这对环境是非常有害的。)“as you know”是固定搭配,意为“正如你所知”;“damage”意为“损害,毁坏”,“serious damage”则意为“严重毁坏”。


考题解析Question 31 B

听前预测:定位词为owners。题目解析:本题录音中提到是professionals 对此房屋实验设计感兴趣并非他们想要专业人员进行指导,C 选项属于混淆视听。文中随后也提到之所以他们会感兴趣,是因为他们都从小生活在农村,厌恶城市生活,A 选项也可排除。此题定位词owners 还是比较容易捕捉的,出题句为:Their chief aim was to create somewhere that was as environmentally- friendly as possible. 所以选项B 为本题答案。

Question 32 A

听前预测:定位词为site of house。题目解析:本题难度不大,定位容易,出题句也较为清晰,根据“The price was relatively low“的提示,选项A 为本题答案。

Question 33 glass

听前预测:定位词为south- facing side、two layers,提示词为of,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题较为容易,所听即所得,出题句为:…south- facing side was exposed to light. That was made of a double layer of very strong glass. 注意本题字数限定为ONE WORD,故核心名词glass 为本题答案。

Question 34 insulation

听前预测:定位词为foam,提示词为improve,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题定位不难,所听即所得,出题句为:And the walls had a layer of foam around them too, to increase the insulation.(墙上有一层泡沫板,增强了其绝缘的能力。)其中“foam”意为“泡沫”,题干中improve 原文替换为increase,核心名词insulation 为本题答案。

Question 35 windows

听前预测:定位词为internal mirrors,提示词为mirrors、and,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题较为简单,所听即所得,出题句为:…lots of mirrors and windows inside the house. 故与mirrors 并列的名词windows 为本题答案,注意答案为复数形式。

Question 36 electricity

听前预测:定位词为in future,提示词为produce more,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题出题句为:…it’s possible that in future the house may even generate an electricity surplus,…其中题干produce 替换为generate,故其后的核心名词electricity 为本题答案。

Question 37 floor/ floors

听前预测:定位词为Recycled wood,提示词为for the,此处应填名词。题目解析:本题定位较为容易,难点在于信息前置,出题句为:…the floors are made of reclaimed wood. 其中主语floors 为本题答案。

Question 38 waste

听前预测:定位词为system,提示词为domestic、is,此处应填名词(单数)。题目解析:根据定位词system 找到文章出题句:…the system for dealing with the waste produced in the house. 另外,注意题干与原文的同义替换,即domestic 与in the house,故核心名词waste 为本题答案。

Question 39 concrete

听前预测:定位词为Environmental issues、use,提示词of、in construction,此处应该名词。题目解析:本题有一定难度,…mainly because they had to use massive amounts of concrete. 注意题干与原文的同义替换,即large quantities 与massive amounts of,故核心名词concrete 为本题答案。

Question 40 15 years

听前预测:定位词为environmental debt,提示词为within,此处应填数字(时间)。题目解析:本题不难,定位较为容易,考查对数字的反应速度,即十几和几十发音上的区分。出题句为:…once the initial ‘debt’has been cleared —and it’s been calculated that this will only take fifteen years. 根据所听即所得原则,15 years 为本题的答案,注意题目要求为ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER,所以填写fifteen years 将不得分。

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