
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团








1. 本文是一个采访节目,被采访者是Winridge Forest Railway Park 的创办人之一Simon Winridge。

2. 每个节目都会有采访的主题:…perhaps you can begin by telling us a little bit about how it all started(或许您能先谈一下这一切是如何开始的),“a little bit”是固定词组,表示“一点;稍微”。

3. 这位被采访者先是介绍了自己组建家庭的过程,然后说I began to develop large- scale models of locomotives but we didn’t think anything more of it until I went on a trip to a theme park near Birmingham and decided we could do a much better job,其中“begin to do”表示“开始做”,“until”表示“直到”之意。

4. 然后又说So we set up a small one ourselves based on the miniature railway,“set up”在此表示“建立”,“base on”意为“基于,以……为根据”。

5. I dealt with Park business and Liz carried on with the farm work.(我处理公园业务,莉兹继续负责农场工作。)“dealt with”意为“处理”,“carry on”意为“继续”。

6. 被采访者很自豪地说Nowadays, we’re open all year round and we’re pleased to say that Winridge is one of the most popular visitor attractions in the area(如今,我们全年都开放,我们高兴地说Winridge 是本区域的旅游景区之一),“all year round”意为“全年”,“one of”表示“其中之一”。

7. I’m near to retirement age so I only concern myself with looking after the mechanical side of things.(我接近退休的年纪,所以只关注和处理一些机械问题)“near to”表示“接近于,靠近于”,“concern”表示“关心”,常用短语为“concern about…”意为“对……表示担心”。

8. 被采访者叙述完后,采访者又问So have you finished your development of the site for the moment,其中“finished”表示“完成”之意,“for the moment”表示“目前”。

9. 被采访者回答说Not at all,这是口语中一个十分常用的表达,其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远:(1)用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”;(2)用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为“没什么、哪里”;(3)用于回应道歉,意为“没关系”;(4)用来表示否定(是No 的加强说法),意为“一点也不、完全不”。

10. Because of the geology of the area, our greatest problem is digging tunnels.(由于地质因素,我们的问题就是挖隧道。)其中“because of”意为“因为,由于”。其与because 不同的不同在于后者为连词,后接原因状语从句或回答以why 开头的问句,而because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词,或者what 引导的名词性从句。




Question 11 C

听前预测:定位词为theme park。题目解析:…we didn’t think anything more of it until I went on a trip to a theme park near Birmingham and decided we could do a much better job. 本句以not…until 的句型加强了语气,值得注意,“参观了一个伯明翰附近的主题公园”为本句的核心意思,故选项C 为正确答案。

Question 12 A

听前预测:定位词为when they started、open、only。题目解析:本题不难定位,…we opened to the public for just a month that year, 1984 —in July —our driest month —because our children said they didn’t want our guests to have a miserable, wet visit. 题干定位词only 原文替换为just,听到driest、miserable、wet 等词可推断本题答案与天气相关,故选项A 为正确答案。

Question 13 C

听前预测:定位词为Since opening。题目解析:在做这种题目时,首先要把听到的数字都记录下来,然后判断哪个符合题目要求。A 选项每年50, 000 人次首先出现,会带来一定干扰,紧接着录音原文出现…a million and a half people have been through our doors since we opened. 定位词Since opening 原文表述为since we opened,由此可以确定C 才是正确选项。

Questions 14- 18 E H F C G

听前预测:遇到matching 题时,要提前关注以下几点:(1)提前判断题干和选项的变化关系;(2)看清题目和选项的数量,确立好搭配关系;(3)本题定位词分别为题干中的人名:Simon、Liz、Sarah、Duncan、Judith。题目解析:本题考查重点为选项中的同义替换,按题目顺序出题,文中的“I”是指讲话者Simon,原句I only concern myself with looking after the mechanical side of things. 听到mechanical side 就可以做题,对应选项E;Liz now devotes all her energies to recruiting and supporting the large squadron of workers. 本句中recruiting、workers 对应选项H;Sarah has now returned to the park and makes sure the visitors are kept fed and watered. 本句中fed、watered 对应选项F;Duncan has been a stalwart of the park for the last ten years, taking over from me in the area of construction. 本句中construction 对应选项C;…Judith has also joined the team in charge of retail. 本句中retail 对应选项G。

Question 19 120

听前预测:定位词为Go- Kart arena,提示词为㎡,此处应填数字。题目解析:本题难度不大,定位容易,所听即所得,考查对数字的反应速度,故120 为本题正确答案。

Question 20 5 to 12

听前预测:定位词为mounds,提示词为year- olds,此处应填数字(年龄)。题目解析:本题难度不大,定位容易,所听即所得,考查对数字的反应速度,5 to 12 为本题

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