
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





1. How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/ Why not?]


2. Who do you spend most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]


3. When do you think you’ ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]


4. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/ Why not?]





1. How often do you make telephone calls? [Why/ Why not?]

I make telephone calls almost every day, mainly because I have to make lots of them in my job. My job involves keeping in close contact with clients, so I often call them, especially when they have problems or questions. I don’ t make personal phone calls very often, as most of my friends work with me and most of my family members live nearby.

I don’ t make many phone calls. In my job, it is better for me to contact people face- to- face or by email. I only have a small family and a few close friends, so I don’ t make many personal calls. However, I have a mobile phone and I enjoy using it for a variety of things besides calling people.

2. Who do you spend most time talking to on the telephone? [Why?]

As I mentioned, I spend a lot of time talking to clients. They frequently have questions about our company’ s products and delivery times. The questions about delivery times are sometimes complicated because we can never be sure when there will be a problem, especially with customs if we are sending goods abroad.

Well, I suppose the person I spend most time talking to on the phone is my grandmother. We usually talk once a week at the weekend, but it is often a long call. She wants to know everything that’ s happening in my life. Most of all, she likes to give me tips about my love life!

3. When do you think you’ ll next make a telephone call? [Why?]

Tomorrow. I have to work and I’ m sure that a client will call me as soon as I arrive at the office. I just hope it’ s a big order or confirmation of a delivery and not more delivery problems. A telephone call about a problem is the worst way to start the working day!

Immediately after this interview. My grandmother told me that I am to call her as soon as it is over and tell her about it, especially what questions I was asked. She’ ll probably want to know all about you — the examiner — as well!

4. Do you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? [Why/ Why not?]

No, I don’ t — especially at work. I think it’ s very important to communicate exactly the right information to people so that there are fewer mistakes. However, if I’ m meeting a friend, we often send text messages to each other to suggest a meeting place or to tell each other that we are going to be late because we have to do something or are caught in a traffic jam.

Yes, I do. I prefer sending text messages because they are quick and the person can reply when they have time. Also, text messaging is much cheaper than making a phone call — especially a phone call on a mobile phone.

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