
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团








21. B 考生可以听到Spiros对自己marketing presentation的评价是I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional。quite professional对应选项B中的good,由此可知答案为B(演讲风格很好)。此外,录音中提到了I was still nervous,排除A。C中的the best在录音中没有涉及。

22. C 考生听到Hiroko在描述其他学生的演讲时用到了They didn't worry about their presentation style or keeping eye contact with their audience, keeping eye contact with their audience对应选项C中的look at the audience enough,由此可知答案为C(他们没有与观众进行足够多的眼神交流)。

23. B 录音中的when I had finished对应题干中的after she gave her presentation,考生听到when I had finished之后紧接着会听到Hiroko说I didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction,didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction对应选项B中的dissatisfied,由此可知答案为B。

24. A 考生会听到Spiros在评价完自己对presentation的表现之后(although I was pleased with my presentation)说出了I am not so pleased with my actual performance right now in the tutorials,由此可知Spiros对自己tutorial的评价是否定的,选项中包含否定含义的只有A。

25. C 考生会听到they are very familiar with each other,so because they know each other's habits, very familiar with each other对应选项C中的know each other well,由此可知答案为C(他们彼此很了解)。

26. B 考生会听到trying to speak up more and I just jump in,总结一下这句话的内容就是B making more of a contribution。这道题相对而言比较难,用排除法会好些,A(觉得其他同学的观点没意思)和C(导师让她加入讨论)在录音中均未涉及。

27. A 考生听到I couldn't understand what the lecturers were talking about之后Hiroko紧接着说I had to turn to the books and journals。turn to对应选项A中的consulted, the books and journals对应选项A中的reference materials,由此可知答案为A。此外录音中提到了made pages of notes,这里指的是Hiroko自己记笔记而并非C中所说的借别人的笔记。

28. B 考生会听到My reading speed is still quite slow,这就意味着Spiros要花大量的时间来阅读,由此可知答案为B。此外考生还可以利用排除法来解答这道题,选项A和B都是关于速度的,C则是与reading skill不相关的vocabulary。

29. C 录音中有关课题名称的有environment, health, education和engineering。考生可利用Hiroko话中的my own field来确定她的课题名称为engineering,因此答案为C。

30. B 考生可以听到I would have felt much better working on reading from my own field,由此可知答案为B(阅读更多关于他们自己研究领域的内容)。

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