
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
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  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团

剑桥雅思9Test1口语Part3范文-shopping at markets


前两篇文章,我们分别分享了:剑桥雅思9Test1口语Part1范文-games话题和剑桥雅思9Test1口语Part2范文: When do you give gifts or presents in your country。本篇文章,我们接着分享:剑桥雅思9Test1口语Part3范文-shopping at markets

shopping at markets

1、 Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like rood or clothes or old objects? Which type of market is more popular? Why?





Well … umm … in our country, it is uncommon to find various open-air markets that are regularly seen in western countries. Moreover, since four seasons are clearly distinct in most of the cities: extremely hot in summer while freezing cold in winter, the fact is that people don't like shopping in an open-air market under such kind of climate, therefore, majority people prefer to shop malls and supermarkets.


extremely hot 特别热

freezing cold 特别冷

2、Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things? which ones? why do you think this is?





I think it is a mixed considering. Some products are more suitable for selling at markets, food and toys. And we can't deny the fact that some electrical cargos like television or cell phones sold at street markets are more likely to be counterfeit. That's exactly the reason why so many people tend to buy things like electrical items from the supermarket or shopping mall.


electrical cargos电子产品

counterfeit n.冒牌货

3、 Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?



此类问题属于Part 3中的“对比类”问题,较为经常出现.首先,亮出自己的现点,其次提供恰当的例句来证实自己的观点。


Well, first I have to say that there are many differences. The elderly people are more likely to shop at the open-air markets. They are passionate about buying stuff on sale or bargaining with street vendors for lower prices; while, young people prefer to shop at shopping mall. As for the reason, I guess it is a natural result of the fact that they were born and grew up in different times. Elderly people and young guys have totally different moral values. Consequently, it is quite understandable.


be passionate about 热衷于

street vendors 街头小贩

Shopping in general

1、 What do you think are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?



这个问题属于part 3“比较类”题目中针对两类不同事物的时比。advantages和disadvantages是第三部分常考的问题。在回答这样的问题时,建议大家注意话语间的逻辑性并至少回答两点以上的益处或弊端。


Although they seem quite similar, they do share some differences. The initial advantage to buy things from shops is that if it is faulty, then it is possible to return and get your money back. Subsequently, buying from a trustworthy shop means the goods will be more reliable than the ones you buy from a street market.


subsequently adv.其次

2、 How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone



这道题虽然出现在part 3,但是相对其他问题,它还是比较容易回答。考生只需清晰地罗列出广告对购物带来的影响.


There are kinds of advertising in modern society. Undoubtedly, promotional advertisements contain fancy art elements that attract people to keep their eye on them. I think these are fairly influential to enable people to think about the advertised products. However, not all forms of advertisements can work out. As for me, I will be less likely to consider a product if the advertisements always appear in my spam or messages for its annoying.


fancy adj.花哨的

keep one's eye on sth. 吸引眼球

3、Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general shopping habits? Why is this?



此类问题仍然属于Part 3的“观点类”题目,考生首先需要给出正面回复,就后给出相应的论据以支撑自己的论点。


I suppose the answer is yes. In modern society, there is growing trend towards shopping on line with the busy lifestyle. Therefore, e-commerce has been around for a certain time and it is gradually breaking into traditional markets. Many large actual stores have closed down due to the competition of high street shopper. Instead, more and more people find it cheaper and convenient to purchase on line.



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