
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





1. What things make an office comfortable to work in?

参考范文 一

I do think the most important factor is the harmonious atmosphere. That means, all colleagues can work together peacefuUy without quarrels and conflicts. For example, every individual employee will think about what other people need or want and be careful not to upset others.

参考范文 二

From my point of view, some basic facilities are essential for making the working environment comfortable to work in. For example, staff won t worry they have no printers and copy machines to print important documents. When they feel tired or sleepy, they can enjoy a cup of fresh coffee by using a coffee machine. The air conditioning system helps them escape from working in high temperature. Only when an office is equipped with work-related facilities, can employees work in a comfortable environment.

2. Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?


I guess one significant reason is that compared with working in a small and enclosed office, working outdoors can help people maintain a good mood. In detail speaking, only when they work outdoors instead of indoors, they can breathe the fresh air, enjoy the warm sunshine, watch the blue sky and white cloud. This great outdoor working environment helps them to enjoy their work more.


Many people choose to work outdoors because they believe this is a great way to improve their health. Instead of sitting for extended periods during the day, working outside helps them to disrupt the tendency to sit all day. Walking and running outside can help people release fatigue from their muscle and brain, which can boost their work efficiency.

3. Do you agree that the building people woric in is more important than the colleagues they work with?


No,I totally disagree. Colleagues who people work with are much more important,because they have a huge impact on your performance and happiness. For example, if you work in a modern and good decorated office building with comfortable chairs and good laptops, but some co-workers around you keep making mistakes or keep complaining, your work efficiency wUl defmitely decrease, and negative feelings wUl drive you mad.


In my personal opinion, the answer is yes. Working in a clean, attractive office can positively influence employees1 work efficiency. For example, if the sun can shine into the office from the special-designed window, staff will start their whole days work with passion and energy. Comfy chairs and other furniture can keep staff focused on work even after sitting for a long time. All of these help people work happily and effectively.

4. What would life be like if people didn’t have to work?

参考范文 一

People tend to get lazy if they don't have to work in the future. In my personal view,work encourages people to have a regular lifestyle. When people are working, they will get up early instead of staying in bed for a whole day. They will have a regular breakfast, lunch and dinner; during the daytime, their time can be allocated to sending emails, communicating with clients, and printing and copying documents. However, if they don*t need to work, they may end up becoming couch potatoes who always manage laptops on their knees.

参考范文 二

To be honest, work helps people boost their ego and encourages them to live a healthier life in general. Riding a bike or walking to office can exercise their muscles and ease their mind when enjoying sunshine and fresh air. Sharing gossips andfunny minor matters can make people laugh and release negative emotions. More importantly, earning money can dramatically bring the sense of security to their life.I believe the life may become boring and stressful without jobs and daily grinds.

5. Are all jobs of equal importance?

参考范文 一

No, not all jobs are equally important, in my point of view, because they make contribution to the society in different degrees. For example, software engineers can change the world by using cutting edge technology like networking. Because of this, people can acquire information and knowledge around the world, and communicate with their friends and family members instantly. However, some jobs like hotel sleep testers only aim to serve a small number of customers. Without this kind of job, the society won't change a lot.

参考范文 二

All jobs are equally important because our communities and the society as a whole need a wide range of professions to meet different demands of individuals and economic progress. For example, we need school teachers to educate students, which is vital to the overall literacy of the general population. We depend on waiters or waitresses to serve us in restaurants, or shop assistants to help us make a wise choice about what to bu, Every single job is designed to cover a particular knowledge or skill gap in the society, to make our daily lives more convenient or to contrite positively to the economy.

6. Why do some people become workaholics?

参考范文 一

Wow, good question! WelU suppose,people become workaholics because working for long hours will please them, or because they treat work as a pleasure rather than pressure. Generally speaking, workaholics are very ambitious, who have a strong desire to pursue higher salaries, reputation or public recognition. They tend to devote themselves to their jobs, instead of staying with family and friends. Therefore, workaholics strongly believe that working for long hours becomes a need for them, and job is the most vital thing in their lives.

参考范文 二

In my personal view, some people become workaholics because they feel scary of failure and poverty. I think in today5s increasingly competitive job market forces people to work harder, with the aim of having a better life quality or even achieving material success. Under this pressure, some people choose to work a whole day to win over more clients, or to write excellent business reports.





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