
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团




1.Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child? [Why?/Why not?]

参考答案 一

Yes, I was really fond of doing art lessons when I was a little girl, especially the painting course. I could use water color pens to draw red flowers, green trees, the blue ocean and so on. Painting made me feel excited, because I could draw everything on a white drawing paper. I could use my mind and emotions as I engaged in the act of painting.

参考答案 二

To be honest, I was not keen on art lessons like music or painting when I was a child.I spent all my spare time on playing different kinds of games with my peers such as hide-and-seek. When I was asked to draw pictures in the painting class, or to sing a song in the music course, I felt so shy because I was not good at either of these. My pictures looked so terrible and I could not carry a tune.

2.Do you ever draw or paint pictures now? [Why?AVhy not?]

参考答案 一

in fact,I often draw pictures now as long as I have free time. Painting is a wonderful way for me to ease my mind and unwind myself after a hectic day. When I feel a little bit annoyed or upset, I doodle some simple lines, shape or patterns without thinking too much what I am doing. That is a great way to chill myself.

参考答案 二

No, I don't draw pictures now, because I am not good at painting. I'd rather watch dramas, or work out at the gym than draw some meaningless lines on the paper. It is very easy for me to feel dull and tedious while painting.

3.When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? [Why?]

参考答案 一

Last week actually. I went to the City Art Gallery for an exhibition of animation. That was amazing, because they displayed a variety of computer graphic art works with three dimension features. All pictures and paintings looked more vivid and colourful by using the latest technology. Even the movement of figures was more fluent.

I can't remember clearly when was the last time I went to an art gallery. It might be a long time ago, because I don't have a strong interest in art. Seeing those works of art such as sculptures or oil paintings doesn't attract me at all. What's more, I live in a small town now where there is no museum or art gallery.

4 What kind of pictures do you like having in your home? [Why?]

参考答案 一

I guess I will Choose to buy some traditional Chinese ink paintings to make my room more nice-looking. I like the way Chinese painters create their paintings: they will draw some simple sketches to depict beautiful and artistic atmosphere, which is amazing.

参考答案 二

Well to decorate my home,I may hang some colourful cartoon pictures on the wall,because cartoon pictures look relaxing and interesting by using bright colours and exaggerated painting skills. Having some pictures of this type in my home will be a good idea.





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