
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





题目:Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


► ► 要点



► ► 错误理解




A glimpse into the future of a child and a society is available in daily life. Some children are encouraged to make their own decisions about daily matters affecting them, but others are concerned that this may make a society where people only think about their own wishes.

Allowing children to make their own choices in daily matters may be based on the brief that overly protective parents tend to have overly dependent offspring. This isn t good for the children's growth or for the parents. We often hear about dangers for children who always turn to their parents if there's a problem or decision, and who expect their parents to meet all their needs. However, we do not hear as much about how parents* lives can be restricted by these needs. Adult children who cling to unrealistic expectations of what their parents should do for them might make their own lives and their parent's lives difficult.

However, there are also some pessimists about freedom of children. They may think if young children are always given the freedom to make their own choices, such as selecting a favourite clothes or a particular flavor of ice cream, they may gradually become a person who only cares about their own feelings or desires. This means when they grow up there would be many self-centred adults who only care about themselves and do everything only for their own interests.They would do this because they are taught this when they are young. This is not good for the development of our society and dearly, this is not a society we want to become.

From my perspective, children should be given some freedom to make their own decisions about daily matters because this is important for their independence and also good for their parents. But it does not mean that parents should never intervene. They should give some suggestions to their children and help them take into account the possible consequences of their actions.



允许孩子每天在自己的事情上自己做决定是因为对孩子过度保护的家长往往会使得孩子过度依赖.这对孩子的成长以及对家长本身并不是有利的。我们经常听到当遇到困难或 需要做决定的时候,孩子总是求助于父母并希望父母满足他们所有的要求的种种危害,但是我们不曾听到父母的生活会被这些孩子的要求所限制。长大后的孩子总是期望父母为他 们做一些不现实的事情,这不仅使得他们自己也使得他们父母的生活非常痛苦。







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