
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团









I “But there's quite a lot going on that these maps don't show, because they can't capture the complex way that sound varies over time.(但是还有很多东西是这些噪音地图没展示出来的,因为它们没法体现声音随着时间变化而产生的复杂情况。)”其中that sound varies over time为定语从句,修饰前面的the complex way。

2. “As well as that, these records of sound levels take no account of the fact that people vary in their perceptions of noise-so someone like me with years of working in acoustics might be very different from you in that regard.(除此之外,这些记录忽略了不同人对于噪音的感受不同这个事实,比如说,像我这种在声音研究领域工作了很多年的人和你们对于噪 音的感受可能就很不—样。)”其中take account of意为“考虑”,这里的take no account of就可以理解为“忽略”;in that regard意为“在那一方面”。

3.“Some types of sounds that most people would probably think of as nice and relaxing might score quite highly in decibel levels —think of the sound made by a fountain in a town square,for example.(—些大部分人觉得美妙且使人放松的声音很有可能分贝数很高, 比如说一个小镇广场上喷泉发出的声音。)”,其中that引导了一个定语从句,修饰前面的sounds; might well中well为程度副词,组合在—起理解为“很有可能”。

4.“Some recent interdisciplinary research has come out with results that at first sight seem contradictory a city needs to have a sense of activity, so it needs to be lively, with sounds like the clack of high heels on a pavement or the hiss of a coffee machine, but these mustn^ be too in- tmsive,because at the same time we need to be able to relax.(近期的一些跨学科研究出现了一些乍一看自相矛盾的的结果—一个城市应该有活力感,所以它需要一些类似于高跟鞋在人行道上摩擦和咖啡机运转时产生的声音,但这些声音不能太大,因为同时 我们需要能够放松。)”这是一个典型的长难句,要理解这样的句子,我们需要先找出它的主干信息:“Research has come out with results that a city needs to be lively, with sounds like A or B,but these mustn’t be too intrusive.”这样对于整体信息的理解就不难了。其中 at first sight 意为“眼”。

5.“But in fact they should be regarding sound as an opportunity to add to the experience of urban living, whereas at present they tend to see it as something to be avoided or reduced as far as possible, or something that's just a job for engineers like the street drainage system.(但事实上,建筑师们应该把声音当作一种能丰富我们城市生活体验的东西,然而目前他们貌似把声音当作一种应该被尽可能避免或减少的东西,或认为声音只是负责下水道系统的工程师们的工作。)”其中they指代的是前面出现过的architects and planners ; tendto do sth.意为“有做……的趋势”。


Question 31 答案 garden(s)

听前预测:定位词 e.g.、windows、neighbours;提示词 do not show、noise、or,此处应填表地点的名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到了提示词don't show,然后听到了定位词such as(对应e.g.),接着我们重点要听的是教授所举的两个例子中的第二个,“the noise someone might hear from the open windows or gardens of their neighbours”,其中or的前半部分对应的是题干when windows are open,后半部分就是我们答案词所在位置,因 此答案为gardens。

Question 32 答案 political

听前预测:定位词noise、issue;提示词realize、be dealt with、people,此处应填形容词。

题目解析:我们在But anyway之后听到了重点信息“they've been useful in providing information and raising awareness that noise matters, we need to deal with it and so it's a political matter.” 其中 raising awareness 对应题干 have made people realize,matter对应issue,因此答案为political。

Question 33 答案 work/study

听前预测:定位词school children;提示词effect、the,此处应填名词。

题目解析:本题较为简单,定位词之后答案马上出现了,具体对应信息为“if schoolchildren don't have a quiet place to study, their work will suffer.” 其中suffer和题干effect对应,因为effect本身既可以表示好的影响,也可以表示不好的影响,因此答案为work或其此处的同义表达study。

Question 34 答案 fountain


题目解析:我们首先听到了“some types of sounds that most people would probably think of as nice and relaxing”,对应题干“some noises can be considered pleasant”,然后听至“think of the sound made by a fountain in a town square, for example”,其中 made by对应题干of,因此答案为fountain。

Question 35 答案 social


题目解析:我们在转折连词instead之后听到了重点,这里的instead相当于but, “many researchers are using social science techniques,studying people's emotional response to sound by using questionnaires and so on.” 其中techniques对应题干methods, studying对应investigate,因此答案就是science前面的单词social。

Question 36 答案 lively

听前预测:定位词activity;提示词urban environments、but also、relax,此处应填形容词。

题目解析:首先我们听到了“a city needs to have a sense of activity”,对应题干 “pienty of activities in urban environments”,然后我们听到了“so it needs to be lively”,我们重点要听的系表结构(be动词+adj.)中be后面的形容词,因此答案为 lively。

Question 37 答案 training

听前预测:定位词architects, town planners, acoustics; 提示词do not、get,此处应填名词。

题目解析:我们在听到以上三个定位词之后,来到了答案所在句子“Apart from studying the basics of acoustics, these people receive very little training in this area.其中these people就是指代的前面的architects and town planners, receive同义替换提示词get,very little替换题干not much,因此答案为training。值得注意的是little/few都表示“只有一些,几乎没有”,含否定之意;a little/a few表示“虽然不多,但还有一些”,含肯定之意。其中few/afew后接可数名词,1ittle/a little后接不可数名词。

Question 38 答案 culture

听前预测:定位词sound;提示词need to know、relates to,此处应填名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到了“we need to develop a complex understanding of many factors.其中develop a complex understanding对应题干know,这就意味着答案马上出现了。然后,我们听到教授提出了一个问题“What is the relationship between sound and culture?”其实这个疑问句的语气就是对应题干how,“relationship between A and B” 对应题干A relates to B,因此答案为culture。

Question 39 答案 nature


题目解析:这道题目比较简单,因为定位词、提示词和答案出现在同一句话中“Can we learn anything from physics about the nature of sound itself?其中“can we learn anything from physics” 对应题干 “whether physics can help us understanf”,learn和understand是同义替换,答案所在信息the nature of Sound没有进行同义替换,所以很容易判断出答案为nature。

Question 40 答案 silent


题目解析:我们首先听到了“To show us their ideas and help us to...”,这里讲的都是advantage,然后我们听到了转折连词but,它之后所接的就是答案对应信息“but these programs are silent”,其中these programs对应前面的virtual reality,正确答案就是这段话中的一个形容词silent。





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