
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





题目:In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


► ► 要点

1. 考生需要去分析“为什么要花大最的资金去建造新型高速铁路”;

2. 考生也需要分析“投资现有公共交通设施的理由”。

► ► 错误理解

1. 考生可能会只写新型高速铁路的好处,而忽略了为什么要花大量资金的问题;

2. 考生可能会过多地描写交通问题(如交通堵塞和污染),而不是去描写改善现有交通工具的好处。

参考范文 一

In some countries, high-speed rail is welcomed by many people because it can carry passengers between cities within a shorter period of time. Some think the government should allocate a large sum of money into such railway lines, while others believe that the money should go to existing public transport.

Supporters of building high-speed rail argue that new railway lines can help save commuting time despite the massive investment. With urban areas expanding further, more people may live in suburbs or even live in neighboring cities, and this means a new railway line between cities is especially important for those who need to travel to and from city centre for work. If there were not such high-speed rail, it is impossible for many people living in rural areas to commute in and out of the city every day. Therefore, a significant investment in the construction of high-speed railway lines is justified.

However, there are also some opponents against such investment, myself included, and they think the funds should go to existing public transport. One major reason is lhat high-speed trains are expensive and the same amount of funds can be used to improve most of the current transport, including buses and underground trains. These are still the main transport by which thousands of people use every day. Another possible reason is related to the demand. It is reported that there are still a large percentage of people living in cities and a new railway line outside of the town can only serve a small percentage of people. This means the investment is not a sensible decision. Ultimately there would be not enough funds to run the new railway system.

In conclusion, I believe that although there are benefits to some people living outside of the city if high-speed trains are developed, the number of rural population is still relatively low and existing public transport is still the main choice for most of population and should therefore be the priority of the investment.

参考译文 一


支持建造高铁的人士认为尽管可能需要大规樸的投资,但新的铁路线能够有效节省来回的路途时间。随着城市区域的进一步扩张,更多的人可能生活在郊区、甚至在邻近城市, 这就意味着连接城市的新铁路对那些来回去城里工作的人士来说显得尤为重要。如果没有这样的高速铁路,那些生活在农村的人们不可能每天来回进出,因此大量的钱应该用于高铁建设。



参考范文 二

For many people around the world, the preferred method of transportation is high-speed rail. Commuters that travel to and from work value the safety and efficiency, and tourists appreciate the convenience that such trains provide. Others call for more funds into highways, buses and regular trains before new and high-speed lines are added.

Safety concerns are a major issue for people, especially for those who travel to work or school on a regular basis. If a driver travels to another city, he or she has to focus on the road for a long time and this may cause fatigue, a potential risk of car accidents. With large sums of money invested, high-speed rail may provide a safer and more comfortable journey. Equipped with comfortable seats and tables for travellers, such trains allow them to work or relax while travelling.

Another factor is about low price of houses in neighboring cities. Many young people may turn their eyes to these affordable houses, but they still face a big problem: a long distance from major cities. If large sums of money go to the construction of high-speed rails, these young people can reduce their travelling time, making it possible for them to commute between cities on a daily basis.

However, high-speed trains are costly, and some people still support the investment in improving the existing transport like buses and subways. This is mainly because there are more population of the city using them everyday. If the funds are used in building new railway lines between cities, it would be unprofitable and unsustainable because only a small percentage of people are potential high-speed train passengers.

In conclusion, I think that for the benefits of most people, it would be better to spend money on the existing transport. However, in the long run, high-speed railway is a good option and a trend of the future, with more people moving out of cities.





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