
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团









“You may have seen it in old-fashioned thermometers, but it's not used much for domesyic purposes now because it’s highly toxic.(你可能在老式的温度计中见过水银,但是由于水银含有剧毐,它已经很少被用作家用。)”其中old-fashioned为形容词,表示“老式的, 过时的”;domestic意为“家庭的”。

“And rather than looking at how many birds are actually killed by mercury poisoning, she's looking for more subtle sub-effects.(与研究被水银毒死的鸟类数量比起来,她更多的是研究水银毒带来的潜在影响。)”其中rather than放句首表不“而不是’,所以它后面接的不是重点信息;sub-effects中的sub为高频前缀,在此意为“下一级的”,所以subeffects意为“表面影响之下的那一层影响”,即“潜在影响”。

“But these birds likely had mercury levels high enough to warrant concern for human cosumption.(但 是这些鸟体内的水银含慑足够高,以至于我们不得不担心食用它们的果。)”其中high enough为后置定语,修饰mercury levels;warrant作名词时意为“保证”,但在此用作动词,意为“使............显得必要”;consumption为consume的名词形式,意为“食用”。

“Well, we also know that in humans, mercury causes developmental delays in the acquisitic oflanguage.(我们还知道水银还会导致人们语言学习能力的降低。)”其中acquisition : acquire的名词形式,意为“某种知识、技能的习得”。

“In the end, it comes down to whether more value is placed on human economic wellbeing on environmental wellbeing.(到最后,问题的关键就在于我们是更加重视人类经济发展i 是环境保护。)”其中it comes down to意为“归结为”;value is placed on sth.相当于v think something is valuable,可以理解为“我们认为......更有价值”。


Question 31 答案 insects

听前预测:定位词feed on;提示词affect、birds、recently、also,此处应填某种比鸟类更'J 的生物类名词。

题目解析:我们首先听到了fish、affected,紧接出现了关键的转折连油 but,之后带出了答案对应信息 “what wasn’t known until quite recently is that those that eat insects can also be affected”,这句话中我们听到了大部分提示词的道现,旦eat对应题干feed on,这个属子常见的同义替换,因此答案为insects。

Question 32 答案 behaviour/behavior

听前预测:定位词 investigating、effects、birds’;提不词 or、mental processes、e.g.、memory, 此处应填名词,且这个单词应该和mental processes为并列关系。

题目解析:我们首先听到了 “she’s looking for...”,对应题目上一行的investigating,然后出现了—个并列信息 “the behaviour of the birds, or with the effect of mercury on the way their brain works”,其中 the way their brain works 对应题千 mental processes, behaviour of birds 同 birds’ behaviour,因此答案为 behaviour 或 behavior。注意:所有格(one’s sth.)常见的同义替换为sth. ofone。

Question 33 答案 father

听前预测:定位词bird song;提示词learned from、bird’s、effects,此处应填名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到了 bird song、effects等词,然后再次听到song learning,之后便出现了 答案对应信息“and what you may not know is that a young bird seems to acquire this skill by listening to the songs produced by its father, rather than any other bird”,其 中 acquire by 对 应 learn from,its 对 应 a bird’s,因此答案为 father。另夕卜,请注意在A rather than B的结构中,我们要选A,而不是B。

Question 34 答案 cbmplex/complicated

听前预测:定位词exposed to mercury;提示词songs、less,此处应填形容词,道点听比较级或者比较关系屮的形容词.

题目解析:我们首先听到定位词exposed to mercury,然后听到“then the songs they produce aren't as complex as those produced by other bird's”,其中not as + adj.+ as就是题干ess+fl办的同义替换,因此答案为complex或其同义表达complicated。

Question 35 答案 reprbduction/breedmg

听前预测:定位词 negative effect;提示词 this、on、birds’、may, 此处应填客词。

题目解析:做这道题目的关键在于理解题目中this指代的是上面整行的信息(受水银影响的鸟唱的歌没那么复杂),然后我们听到了 impact,对应negative effect,然后出现了答案 “so it can affect thdr chances of reproduction”,其中 affect 对应 negative effect,因此答案为reproduction (或其同义表达breeding)。注意:此处所有格再次被替换成sth. of one的形式。

Quistion 36 答案 control


题目解析:这道题目比较简单,我们在定位词experimenter之后很快就听到厂答案对应信息 “so the experimenter has a much higher level of control”,其中 has a much higher level of 对应题千 allow more,因此笞案为 control。

Quistion 37 答案 duck(s)

听前预测:定位词migrating birds;提示词such as、eaten by human、mercury,此处应填表示某一种鸟类的名词。

题目解析:我们在听到 “birds、migratory、mercury”等词之后听到了“Forexample”,其对应的刚好是答案前面的such as,接下来我们可以很快地找到一个表示动物的名词“ducks”,这个就是正确答案。无语法限制下,单数也算对。

Question 38 答案 language

听前预测:定位词cause problems;提示词also、mercury、learning,此处应填名词。

题目解析:我们在听到also这个表示并列结构的逻辑连词之后,出现了答案对应信息“mercury causes developmental delays in the acquisition of language” , 其中 developmental delays 对应 problem,acquisition 对应 learning,因此答案为 language。

Question 39 答案 food

听前预测:定位词mother、unborn child;提示词from、affect、may,此处应填名词。本题解题的关键在于通过from判断出我们要听的是母亲身休里水银的来源,所以答案应该是一个表示什么东西的实意名词。

题目解析:本题定位词、提示词和答案一起出现,具体对应的原文信息为“an unborn child can be affected if the food eaten by its mother contains high levels of mercury”,其中题干 A may affect B 的结构在听力中换成了 B can be affected by A,food eaten by its mother contains...mercury 对应 mercury in a mother’s body from food,因此答案为food。

Question 40 答案 cost(s/price(s)/bill(s)

听前预测:定位词mercury emissions;提不词newregulations、everyone,此处应填名词。

题目解析:我们先是听到了 mercury emission和new regulations,然后听到了答案的解题关键——转折连词but,but之后的信息通常为答案对应信息“but these will need billions of dollars to implement, and increase costs for everyone”,其中 these 指代的是前面“关于水银排放的新规定”,increase对应affect,costs for everyone等于题干everyone*s...costs,因此答案为costs。一般情况下,建议填写原文原词,判卷不严情况下,costs的同义表达prices/bills也算对,且无语法限制时单数也可。





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