
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团




♦ 谈话场景:图书馆场景

♦ 人物关系:图书馆工作人员与家长

♦ 谈话话題:图书馆布局新变化和活动信息

1. “Well,we’ve got a much larger section of the library devoted to travel books now.(我们现在有一个更大的专门针对旅游方面书籍的区域。)”其中devoted to travel books在此为后S 定语,devote to意为“致力于……”,在此可以理解为“专门针对旅游的书籍”。

2. “…but we do have a room called the community room. It can be hired out for meetings, but at other times people can use it to study.(但我们的确有一个公共活动区域。它可以被租用作会议场地,但是其他时间人们可以在这里学习。)”其中community room为固定搭配,意为“公共活动区域”。

3. “...we've introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers.(我们开设了一个专门收集给青少年看的科幻小说区。)”其中introduce非“介绍”之意,而是意为“引进,引入”,在此可以理解为“开设,新建”; written specially for teenagers为后置定语,修饰前面的fiction。

4. “We get quite a few older people coming along who are wanting to get up to speed with computer technology.(有不少年纪稍大的人会过来学习的电脑技术。)”其中who引导的定语从句,修饰前面的older people; get up to speed with sth.为固定搭配,意为“了解什么的情况”。

5. “And there’s another service which you wouldn’t expect from a library, which is a free medical check-up.(还有一个你想不到在图书馆会得到的服务,那就是免费体检。)”其中you wouldn’t expect意为“你想不到”;which引导定语从句,用来修饰前面的service。


Question 1 答案 travel/traveling/travelling

听前预测:定位词expanded section;提示词books、on,此处应填表示某一方面、话题的名词。

题目解析:在听完题之前的seating area对应的seats之后,我们听到了定位词、提示词和答案出现在同一句话,原文对应信息为“We’ve got a much larger section of the library devoted to travel books now”,其中 a much larger section 对应题干 expanded section, devoted to对应on,可以理解为“关于哪方面”,因此答案为 travel。一般情况下,建议填原文原词,但无语法限制情况下,traveling也正确,且英式美式拼写均可。

Question 2 history


题目解析:我们在听到定位new之后听到了答案,具体对应信息为“Yes, actually we’ve now got a new section with materials on the history of the town and surrounding region.”其中 the town and surrounding region 对应题干 local,因此答案为 history。

Question 3 答案 study

听前预测:定位词community room;提不词meetings、also、to,此处应填动词原形。

题目解析:我们先听到了定位词communityroom直接出现,然后出现了答案对应信息“It can be hired out for meetings, but at other times people can use it to study.” 其中 meetings 为题干原词, but at other times 对应原文中的 also, can 对应 possible, 因此答案为study。

Question 4 答案 teenagers


题目解析:本题定位词、提示词和答案一起出现,具体对应信息为“...we’ve introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers/'其中 introduced a special section对应题干a new section,因此答案为介词for之后的名词teenagers。

Question 5 答案 kitchen

听前预测:定位词 Science Club;提示词 next meeting、experiments、things、from,此处应填表示地点的名词。

题目解析:我们先是听到了定位词ScienceClub和提示词nextmeeting,然后听到了答案对应信肩、“they’re going to be doing experiments with stuff that everyone has in the kitchen”,其中 stuff 对应 things, that everyone has in the kitchen 对应 from your kitchen,因此答案为 kitchen。

Question 6 答案 crime

听前预测:定位词this Friday、 a local author;提不词novel、 based on、areal,此处应填单数名词。

题目解析:我们听到定位词Friday、alocalauthor和提示词nove1,然后听到了答案对应的信息 “It’s called ‘Catch the Mouse’ and she based the story on a crime that actually took place.” 其中 base the story on sth.等于 the novel was based on sth.,意为“基于..........”,that actually took place 对应 real,因此答案为 crime。

Question 7 答案 appointment/booking

听前预测:定位词 IT support、 Tuesday;提示词 no、necessary,此处应填名词。

题目解析:我们在听到定位词IT support和Tuesday之后,答案对应信息马上就出现了"they don't need to make an appointment or anything, they just turn up",其中don't need to do sth.和题干 no sth. is necessary 对应,因此答案为appointment(预约)。该词的同义表达booking此处也算正确。

Question 8答案sugar

听前预测:定位词free check;提不词blood、 cholesterol levels,此处应填名词。

题目解析:首先很明显,blood....... 和cholesterol levels为并列结构,都属于免费体验的项目,所以我们在听到定位词free check之后只需要重点关注和cholester levels并列的信息,“The hospital arranges for someone to come along and measure the level of sugar in your blood, and they check cholesterol levels at the same time”,其中这里的 measure 对应题干 check, “and they...at the same time” 对应文中的 and,因此答案为sugar。

Question 9 答案 stamps

听前预测:定位词wall-charts、 cards ;提示词library、shop、sell,此处很明显应填一个与 wall-charts/cards并列出现的名词。

题目解析:重点听并列出现的名词,很容易在定位词shop出现之后听到“wall-charts and greeting cards, and also stamps”,因此答案为stamps。

Question 10 答案 parking

听前预测:定位词evenings and weekends;提不词free、available,此处应填名词。

题目解析:本题先出现答案和提示词“is there parking available?”再出现定位词“Yes, and it’s free in the evening and at weekends.”本题属于定位词后置的出题情况,所以需要我们听到parking available的时候就及时写下答案。





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