
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





1, What are the most popular types of films in your country?

参考答案 1

I guess we Chinese moviegoers are not really into the movies like Batman VS Superman or Spiderman. I guess the sponsors were disappointed to see the box office in China. However, Marvel movies do appeal to Chinese audiences a lot, like Avengers and X-men, because (he topic of mutant people or superhero does grab attention of Chinese audiences. What's more> stunt movies can easily hit the jackpot,like Fast and Furious.

参考答案 2

I personally fed film series are popular, like the one called Tiny Times,which is probably (he first installment of series directed by Guo Jingming and based on a best-selling novel of the same name. Young adults are the dominating audiences because the movie is fully-packed with deluxe and luxurious elements,like cloth,jewelry,shoes, and other accessories. The movie demonstrates the life of the social elites or young rich, and this is a spotlight in China.

2,What is the difference between watching a film in the cinema and watching a film at home?

Obviously, if you want to watch a blockbuster,like Fastand Furious or Interestellar,it'S better to grab a box of popcorn and appreciate the blodcbuster in an IMAX cinema because the visual impact is much more vivid and the audio system is awesome.

參考答案 2 If you choose to watch movies at home, you get to have the snacks you really want, and at a good price too. You also get to set the environment you like. I mean no strangers laughing obnoxiously, or talking too much. And if you choose to go to the movie theatre, you feel th« atmosphere of watching the movie by being surrounded by other people,and night view. Furthermore, it's a brilliant and dazzling atmosphere to be exposed to more mteresting and vast views that came into your sight.

3. Do you think cinemas wit! close in the future?

参考答案 1

Probabty, because a substitute has emerged in recent years, which is called virtual reality glasses. It's like a private IMAX cinema, and you can lay on the bed and watch a blockbuster without interruptions from audience and it's more cost-effective than buying a ticket in the cinema.

参考答案2 I guess so,because people buy bigger and bigger high-definition televisions and install full surround sound in their family rooms一for decades, people have been busily recreating the big theatre experience at home. If most people can watch block一busters at home, then it seems unnecessary for them to go to the cinema anymore.

4. How important is Ae theatre in your countiy's history?

参考答案 1 It was fairly importam in ancient China, while it's not that popular in recent decades. Beijing Opera was one of the typical forms of arts in ancient China, and whenever you mtch the colourful and exciting spectacle, you will never forget it. In ancient times, people had no other ways for entertainment* so watchiog operas wtt the unique approach for them to have relax and kill time, and the performers were therefore very wealthy and won respect from ordinary people.

参考答案 2 It's very important actually. The Chinese theatre is unique by itsdf. In the Middle Ages there were troupes, wheFe male and female roles were played by either men only or women only. In addition, the nature of the character could be traced not only by an actor performing a role, but also by the make-up, applied to his face. Depending on the colour, the audience understood the role type. For example, red colour indicated loyalty and honesty of the hero, while gold one was used for the mythical heroes.

5. How strong a tradition is it today in your country to go to the theatre?

参考答案 1

Frankly speaking, I guess most Chinese people are not eager to go to the theatre anymore. Look at it like this, if there were more theatres in the metropolises a remaikabk number of people woutd flock to theatres in their leisure time, but this is not the case. The traditional art of Beijing Opera is no longer popular in mainland of China.

Not really, because people have more alternatives to have fun一hey nuy choose Karaoke,home pgrly bar or simply electronic devices. The Chinese guduallyforget theatre tradilions and even the government don't make much effort to promote the conservation of our theatre traditions.Tihs is really a pity, aiul perhaps only the ethnic minurities stll keep their treatre traditions going.

6. Do you think the theatre should be run as a business or as a public service?

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Well, I guess the former choice will be better, because the maintenance fee is huge and the government cannot take it for long. Moreover, if itJs a business, sponsors need to consider factors like place, price, package, promotion and the product ilsdf, which means the theatre will be better oif if run as a business than as a free service.

參考答案 2

I think running theatres as a public service is a better choice, at least in mainland China. Theatre is not popular in China in recent years, because people prefer other types of recreations and thus gradually forget the importance of theatre, If it s free, people will flock to theatres to enjoy. It's part of traditional culture and needs to be passed on to next generations.





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