
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团




1. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger? [Why?/Why not?J

参考答案 1 Nope, I can’t carry a tune and whenever I hung out with my friends at karaoke, I would stay in a corner and play with my cell phone. If someone asked me to sing a song, that would be the beginning of a tragedy, and I would be ashamed to do that.

参考答案 2 Certainly, always did, and always would. I also believe that anyone who loves ringing must not be hesitane or shy to express themselves, because singing is a fim aad tension-releasing activity, and you do not need to be the greatest at it to showcase your talents to other people around you.

2. How often do you sing now? [Why?]

参考答案 1 Occasionally, because I am too packed in recent days. As a sophomore, [ have a plenty of things to do like assignments, papers, presentations and I cannot spare more free time to sing karaoke. If 1 sing in the dormitory, my dorm mates won't be in a good mood.

参考答案 2 I always sing. I sing alone and I sing with my friends. Singing is good for the soul, It*s an easy way for me to relax whenever I am stressed. My singing voice is horrible, but I don^ really care. I will sing at any time, anywhere. I even incorporate lyrics in conversations with my friends and family.

3. Do you have a favorite song you like listening to? [Why?AVhy not?]

参考答案 1 Not reaily» because I listen to different types music. It depends on my mood When I am happy, I usually come to me(aJ rock to boost up my emotion. When I need to relax, or concentrate for studying, I listen to R&B. When I am feeling the sense of patriotism, I turn to traditional music or folk music.

参考答案 2 Sure, Taylor Swift or Tata is a well-known name in Chiriat and 1 do love one of her songs named You Belong with Mey because its associated with an intense emotional experience in my life.

4. How important is singing in your culture? [Why?]

參考答案 1 I't essential in China because this is a huge country with many ethnic minorities and I heard that those minorities do take singing into account when maintaining their traditiom. It’s a way for those guys to express feelings, ease mind and tell stories to next generations, It^ part of their traditional culture.

参考答案2 When we $ing son^ from diverse cultures, we are granted with opportunities to learn about cultures of others, and gain a better undentanding of our own. Thus,singing song from different cuhures may play imporunt role in defining our identities and in how we perceive and understand others* and ultimalely ourselves.





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