
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团









"What is conflict in workplace? Definitions vary, but Im taking it to refer to a whole range of behaviours that the victim finds unacceptable, from minor, harmless arguments to—at (he opposite extreme—physical violence.(什么是工作场所的冲突?关于这个的定义有很多,怛是我今天要指的是所有让人无法接受的行为,从轻微的、无伤大雅的言语攻击到它的另一个极端一暴力行为。)"其中attheoppositeextreme在此为插入语,起到一个补充说明的作用,它并不影响句子的主干。

"But often it's caused by someone who feels the need to show their superiority over someone else,in order to feel that they aren’t at the lowest level in a hierarchy or a group of people.(但是大多数情况下,工作场所的冲突是由那些需要通过表现优越感的人造成的,这些人希望能借此证明自己并不属于公司级的员工或低等人群。)"其中who引导的定语从句用来修饰前面的someone; superiority为形容词superior (有优越感的)变形而来。

"In some cases one person simply dislikes the other, on (he basis that the personality of one is in some way inconqwtible with fliat of the other person.(有一些情况下,一个人不喜欢另一个人很有可能仅仅是因为性格不合。)"其中on the basis that意为“基于……”;in some way为表示程度的词组,表不“在某种程度”,用来修饰"incompatible";with that ofthe other person中的that指代的是前面出现过的personality。

"A general habit of optimism in one person could make them intolerant of a colleague who s constantly pessimistic —not that that justifies treating them badly, of course,(保持乐观的人很容易就受不了那些常年悲观的人,当然这并不能成为他们态度恶劣的理由。)"其中 not that意为“并不是说”,后面接从句;第二个that指代是前面整个句子,为了使表达更加简明;justlfydohigsth.意为“让做某事变得正当起来”。

"For the company, if no effort is made to deal with conflict, it can spiral out of control, and even lead to the breakdown of the business.(如果一 个公司在解决冲突方iS不作为,那这种情況很有可能愈演愈烈、渐渐失抟,鉍#J能iL稂个公闺都崩液掉。)"其中spiral out of control意为“失控”;breakdown为名询,动词同组为break down,意为“瓦解,奔溃”。

"Interestingly, though, a company with a more democratic business model, can suffer more, when uncertainty about who W report to leads to conflicting demands.(有意思的是,在一个民主的商业环境下,一个公司可能会经历更多的冲突,因为大家不知道向谁汇报, 这就会造成要求上的分歧。)”其中lead to意为“导致”。

"However, if one of the parties in a conflict sees human resources as simply a mouthpiece for the chief executive* then an external mediator might be able to help.(然而,如果冲突的双方中有一方认为人力资源部和公司总裁力一丘之貉的话,那么一位非本公司的调解人就能帮上忙。)"其中human resources意为“人力资源”;the chief executive意为“首席执行官”。


Question 31 答案 bullying

听前預测:定位词behaviour;提示词general category of,此处应填名词。

题目解析:我们首先听到了定位词“a whole range of behaviours that”,然后听到“Much of this is covered by the term bullying”,其中 this 指代前面出现过的各种 behaviour, covered by the term of 与题干 general category 为同义替换,因此答案为 bullying。

Question 32 答案 superiority

听前预测:定位词result;提不词people、 wanting to、prove,此处应填名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到表因果关系的re a sons和c aus e d by,这两个信息都对应題千mult,接下来我们听到了 “someone who feels the need to $how their superiority over someone else”,其中 someone 对应 people, feels the need to show 对应 wanting to, show为prove的同义替换,因此答案为superiority。

Question 33 答案 personality

听前预测:定位词caused by;提示词differences between people,此处应等名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到 “In some cases one person simply dislikes the other”,这里的dislike其实对应的是题干conflict,而本理所讲的是conflict的第三个特点,接下来的"the basis that the personality of one is in some way incompatible with that oi the other person" 为答案所在位置,其中on the basis that 对应题干caused by,然而后句中固定搭配A isincompatible with B 意为“A与B不和”,对应题干differencei,因此答案为peramality。

Question 34 答案 structural

听前预测:定位词conflicts、ownteam' company;提示词morethan,此处应填形容调。

题目解析:首先我们听到了定位词conflicts,然后听到了 “whenpeople are more interested in promoting themselves and their team than in the company as a whok”,其中 themsdves and their teams 对应 own team, more than 和 company原词出现,所以答案很快就出现了 “These conflicts are called‘structurar” ♦ 因此答案为 structural。

Question 35 答案 absence

听前预测:定位词stress;提示词conflict-relaled、cause、 last for months,此处应填名词。

题目解析:我们首先听到了含定位询stress的信息“the situation is likely to be very stressful for victims”,其中stressftil和stress为同义替换;紧接着答案对应信息出现了 “resulting in their absence from woric, possibly for months”,其中 result in 与题干 cause为同义替换,因此答案为absence。

Question 36 答案 confidence

听前預测:定位词CEOs、many;提示调both and、anxiety,通过anxiety可以預测出此处应填抽象名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到了 “Many CEOs combine two opposing characteristics” ,其中two对应的是题目上的both,并且通过characteristics一词告诉我们这一题和aiutkty一样,是一种性格特点。然后马上就出现了答案confidence,以及题干anxiety,因此答案为confidence。

Question 37 答案 visions

听前预测:定位词people;提不词different、may, amflict,此处应填名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到了"colleagues, managers and board members"这爸人其实对广二就是题干people,然后结合定位词前面出现的"difficult to tackle the situation" 以及定位词后面出现的"all trying to achieve their own visions",可以锁定答案为visions。其中 difficult to tackle the situation 对应题干 conflict, their own对应题干differenu。

Question 38 答案 democratic


题目解析:我们在转折词interestingly, though之后直接听到了答案好对应信息"a company with a more democratic business model, can suffer more, when uncertainty about who to report to leads to conflicting demands",其中model对应stucture,所以很容易判断出more后面的形容词democratic即为答案。

Question 38 答案 respect

听前报测:定位词bosses、minimising conflict;提示词need to try、gain,此处应填名词。

题目解析:首先我们听到"to prevent it arising in the first place",与小标题minimising conflict为同义替换,提示我们答案快来了。然后听到"a good manager, at any level, will make efforts to earn the respect of people they work with",其中 a good manager 对应 bosses, make effbrts to 对应 try to, earn 对应 gain,因此答案为 respect。

Quests 40 答案 mediator

听前预测:定位词 outsidethecompany;提示词 someone、 roleof、 resolwamflicts, 通过someone可预测此处要填表示人的名词。

题目解析:同样是转折连词however之后出现了答窠对应信息}"thenanextemalmedialor might be 此le to help",其中 external 对应的是 role of, be able to help 对应 to resolve conflicts ,因此答案为 mediator。





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