
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团









1."Now as this is your first tutorial since you started on the Scandinavian Studies coursq I'd like

to find out something about you.(由下这是你开始关于斯堪的纳维亚研究课程以来的次辅导课、我想了解一下你的相关信息。)。其中tutorial力tutor衍生出来的名词,意为"一对一的辅导",在国外大学里、学生与论文期间老师一般都会给学生提供单独的指导,即tutorral。

2."I Can wt by.hen I talk to people,though Tm not terrjbly accurate.(和人用丹麦语交流时我还凑合,虽然我的表达不够精确)。其中get by意为"过得去";terribly accurate为常见的副词修饰动词的搭配,在此terribly相当于verry,意为“非常地”。

3."First I suggest you avoid taking one writer and going into a great deal of detail. That approach certainly has its place,but...(首先我建议你不要在某一个作者身上花太多篇幅,虽然这个方法有它的优点,但是·····)"其中avoid doing sth,意为"避免做某事";go into a great of detail意为"详述";have one'splace意为"有它的道理和存在的必要。

4."If it's the one I am thinking of,hmm,rd ignore it.(嗯,如果你说的电影是我所想的那一部,那还是算了吧。)"这里老师虽然说的是I'D ignore it,她真实的意思是you should igore it,也就是建议学生也别看了。

5"And then you should start looking for suitable articles and books to draw on) and take notes which you orwnise accolding to those headings,(然后你应该开始参考一些合适的文章和书籍,并根据你所列出的这些段落标题做笔记,)。其中draw on sth.原意为"利用",在此可以理解为"参考";which在此引导了定语从句,用来修饰前面的notes。

6."Make sure that this skeleton makes sense and nows properly, before writing up the paper in full,(在你开始写全文之前,应确保文章的整个框架结构合理且自然。)"其中skeleton相当于structure,意为"结构,框架";flow本意力"流动",在此可以理解为"文章段落之词的过渡"。

Question 21 答案 C

听前预测:定位词Scandinavian Studies;提不词child.James、chose。

题目解析:我们首先听到老师Beth提到了定位词Scandinavian Studies,然后男生James先提到"my mother is Danish",虽然出现了B选项的Danish,但是很明显和B选项意思不同,所以首先到1除B;接下来我们听到"and that made me Want to visit Denmark. We hardly ever did, though", 其中 visit Denmark 对应A选项中的taken to Denmark,但是"hardly ever did,though"意为"几乎从没真的去过丹麦",可排除A选项,接下来转折词but的出现帮我们确定前面的两个信息为干扰信息,"But whenever her relations or friends were in England they always came to see us"为答案对应信息,其中her relations and f八ends对应a number of Danish people,came to see us对应visited,因此答案为C。

Questions 22 答案 B

听前预测:定位词graduates;提示词James、would like to。

题目解析:首先老师提到了定位词graduate,然后提到了master',degree(对应A选项的postgraduate course), 但是学生回答"I think the four years of the undergraduate course willbe enough for me"可排除A;接下来,学生说到"I'm interested in journalism...writing for magazines",其中journalism和magazines都对应的是B选项中的media,因此答案为B。后面还提到了"I'dfind that more creative than translating",通过比较级可以判断学生更喜欢media,而不是translating,因此可以排除C。

Questions 23 答案 B

听前预测:定位词this term;提示词end、courseo

题目解析:首先听到了对应A选项的信息Swedish cinema,但是老师说"that'll continue next term",也就是说这个学期不会结束,所以排除A;然后听到C选项的。Scandina一vian literature... will be replaced by more specialised courses", 其 中 replaced by 对应题干end,因此答案选C;后面还出现了B选项中Danish television programmes,但是它是the term after next,因此可以排除B。

Question 24 答案 A

听前预测:定位I literature Paper:提示词this term、agree。

题目解析:首先听到定位I词literature paper,然后听到B选项的Icelandic sagas,但是老师说"Hmm、The touble with that..."可排除B;然后老师提到了A和C两个选项,学回答"1've r ead or seen several plays in translation, so that would be a good idea",其中play对应A选项中的playwrights,that指代前匪的play,因此答案为A。

Question 25 答案 C

听前预测:定位词recommends;提示词Beth、should be。

题目解析:首先学生提到advise,对应recommends,提示我们答案快来了。然后老说"First 1 suggest you avoid taking one writer and going into a great deal of detail",其中 one writer 对应B选项的a single writer, a great deal of detail 对应in-depth analysis,然后通过avoid一词可以排除B.接下来同样是转折词but之后出答案,"get an understanding of...,and so on"都是在对C选项的"a study of the social background to the literature"的同义替换,因此答案为C最后还提到了"that's more fruitful than placing it within the history of the genre", 通过比较级关系可以排除其对应的A选项。

Questions 26-30


Questions 26答案 E

听前预测:定位词read;提示词a,答案应该是单数名词,至少可以排除A选项的bullet points和C选项的notes。

题目解析:我们在听到定位词read之后出现了答案对应信息"an assignnrent a student wrote last year",与E选项的student paper为同义替换,因此答案为E.后面出现的"Textbooks usually cover so many topics, it can be very difficult to choose just one",通过very difficult以及男生的回答0K,可以判断出他并不会看textbooks,因此可以排除F选项。

Question 27 答案 G

听力预测:定位词borrow;提示词from Beth、a,答案陋该是单数名词。

题目解析:首先男生提到了干扰选项B"film",但是女生说"I'd ignore it",可排除B。接下来又是转折词but之后出答案,a docunentary直接出现,因此选G。

Question 28 答案 D

听前预测:定位词plan;提示词the paper。

题目解析:首先听到逻辑连词so then,这就意味着已经到了下一题,紧接着I砠答案"Sothen should I work out an outline?",这里work out对应题干plan,ou直ne对应题干structure, 因此选D。

Question 29 答案 C

听前预测:定位词source material;提示词write、read,因为write后面没有冠词,因此可以判断出本题答案为复数,这就将答案锁定在了A和C选项。

题目解析:我们先听到了逻辑连词And then,然后听到"looking for suitable aricles and books to draw on, and take notes", 其 中 look for 对 应 read, suitable articles and books对应source marials,write对应take,因此答案为C选项notes。

Question 30 答案 A


题目解析:原文对应信息为"Then put short phrases and sentences as bullet points under each heading",这里的put...as对应题干using,然后我们找到了复数名词bulletpoints,因此答案为A。





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