
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团









1. "Rrght. I've now almost succeeded, n finalising plans our tour so I'll bring you up to date with what I know.(现在我丛木上成功敲定了我们的行程计划、下面我陪和大家分享一下我所知道的情况。)”其中succeeu in doing sth.意为“成功做某”;final的动词形式,意为“敲定,最终确定”;up to date “的”。

2. “I'd hoped to get that down to 120 euros, but in fact I've been able to negotiate a mte of l10.(我本想还价到120欧元,但实际上我成功地砍到了110欧元。)”其中rd为I would 的缩写;I've been able to为现在完成时的用法,说明过去的这本动们对现在有影响;rate在此时相当于price,意为"价格" 。

3.“From talking to you all about your preferences, it was clear that a typical local restaurant would be too meat oriented for some of you.(通过和你们聊饮食方面的偏好,很传统的当地餐厅对于你们中的某些人来说其肉菜比重太大了。)”其中meat-onented可以理解为"主打肉莱的",oriented本意为"导向,定位",常见的搭配有exam-onented考试为目的的),剑9 Test 1 Section 4里还出现过task-oriented这个表达,意为"以任务为导向的"。

4."The play" 're seeing on Wednesday evening is a modern one, and. e're going to the pre-miere, SO it'll be quite a dressy occasion, tho· gh of Course you don't ha, e ro dress formally.(我们周三晚上要去看的戏是一部现代戏,而且我们会去它的首映礼。所以这将会是一个比较注重着装的场合,当然你们也不需要穿得人正式)。其中dressy为dress的形容词意为“考究着装的”;在英语中,关联词“虽然······但是”不能连用,所以本句中出现了though就没有再出现but。

5.“Fridas play wiu really make you think hard about. Hat clothes Io pack. As it'll be in the garden of a palace,(周五的戏剧可能会让你们非常纠结到底应该穿引么,因为它在一个殿的花同里。)”其中make sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”;pack意为“打包”此处可理解为“穿”的意思;as相当于because,意为“因为”。


Question 11 答案 B

听前预测:定位词airpo山提示词meet at、group、when 。

题目解析:首先听到了含定位词airport的句子"so it'stoo e·rly to have lunch at the aiport",其中too+adj.+to为固定搭配,意为“太······以至于不能······”,因此可排除C选项lunch。然后听到答案对应信息"I suggest we meet thee for coffee at 10 which should give us plenty of time for breakfast before we leave home", 通过 meet there for cotfte可判断答案就是B,后面的which should为A选项的干扰信息,可以排除。

Question 12 答案 C

听前预测:定位词Munich Airpo山提示词be met、by。

题目解析:本题的定位词、提示词和答案一起出现,具体对立信息为。When we arrive in Munich, we'll be met at the airport by Claus Bauer. Claus works for a tour operator",因此答案为C选项,后面出现了A和B选项的对应,但是A.B为并列信息,所以可以一起排除。

Question 13 答案 A

听前预测:定位词 double room;提示词 pcr night, how much hotel。

题目解析:首先听到对应 how much 的 cost,提示我们答案快来了。接下来先是出现了"the normal rate... Is 150 euros a night for a double room", 然后 出现"I'd hoped to get that down to 12o euros",分别对应C和B.但接了来的转折连词but告诉我们前面的答案是销的,正确答案对应信,@为。but in fact Tve been able to negotiate arate of 110", 因此答案为A。

Question 14 答案 B

听前预测:定位词Tuesday evening;提不词restaurant、type。

题目解析:我们先听到了Tuesday evening和restaurant,然后乜现了local restaurant和Italian restaurant,分别对应C和A,其中local对应C选项中的typical但接下来的转折连词but告诉我们前面的答案是锗的,E确答案对应信息为。but I must confess that I decided to book a Lebanese one。、转折后面的信息为]确答案、因此选B。

Question 15 答案 C

听前预测:定位词Wednesday afternoon;提示词who、meet。

题目解析:首先听到了定位词Wednesday afternoon,然后马上出现了答案对立信息。the director of the play we're going to see that evening will talk to us at the theatre", 其中director of the play对应C选项的a theatre director、而talk to us说明肯定会和我们见面,对应题干meet,因此答案选C.后面出现的how she chose actors和how she worked with the playwright分别对应A和B,这两个选项为并列信息,可同时排除。

Questions 16-20



A: playwright, be present

B: celebrate, anniversary

C: historic building

D: accompanied, live music

E: outdoors

F:. firsl time

G: officials from the town

Question 16 答案 F

在定位词Wednesday出现之后,马上出现了答案则I信息"and We're going to the premiere",其中prem,ere意为“首映礼”对应F选项的"the play will be pcrfo,med for thc first time"另外,后面还出现了"though unfortunately the playwigh is and in unlikely to be able to attend",可排除A选项。

Question 17 答案 B

题巨解析:在定位词Thursday出现之后,我们听到了答案对应信息"it was commissioned to mark a hundred years since the birth in the town of a well-known scientist",其中commissioned to mark意为"为了纪念",对应B选写中的celebrate,a hundred years对应anniversary,因此答案为B。

Question 18 答案 E

题目解析:在定位词Friday出现之后,我们听到了"as it'LL be in the garden of a palace",应outdoor,因此答案为E.

Question 19 答案 G

题目解析:在定位词Saturday出现之后,我们听到了"the mayor and all the other dignitary of the town will be attending", 其中 mayor 意为"市长", dignitaries 为 digmtan的复数形式,意为"高官。,即使我们不认识diwitaries,也可以通过mayor对应到选项中的officials,再加上定位词the town、提示词attending的出现,可以确定答案为G.

Question 20 答案 C

题目解析:在定位词Monday出现之石,我们听到了"and it'sin the stunning setung of the old Town Hall, which dates back to the 14th Century", 其 中 dates back 10 the 14th century意为“追溯到14世纪”,很明显对应的是C选项中的"historic building",因此答案为C。





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