
  • 2019雅思、托福春季班
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





1. In what kinds of situations should people always arrive early?

参考答案 1: If people have some important events to do, they have to arrive early. For example,when people have job interviews or official meeting, arriving at lest ten minutes early is vital to showing their polltenew to others.

参考答案 2: People should always arrive early when they need to catch an airplane or the train. It is really important to be early in case of any delays, especially for the international travel. For example, if your flight departs at 21:00, you murt arrive at the airport before 18:30, because passengers need to obtain their boarding paases and wait for security checks, which may take a long time.

2. How important it is to arrive early in your country?

参考答案 1: Oh, it’s very important Actually, arriving early shows people’s respect to others and wc can gain trust by being punctual in my country. For example, no matter if we go to class, a conference, or a dinner arriving there early is a common courtesy.

参考答案 2: I would say it is really crucial to arrive early in China, since China is known as a sUte which values etiquette and ceremonies. We are ail taught about soin« basic courtesies, such as early arrival from an early age. Actually, in my view, arriving in advance is a polite Chinese custom to show our respect to others regardless of occasions. The manner of arriving early can not only show our politeness and leave a good impression, but also make sure we have enough time to prepare ourselves feusome important events.

3. How can modm technology help people to arrive early?

参考答案 1: Well, modem technology helps us to arrive early and punctual. For example, people now use the GPS (global position system) to show their exact position and help them to arrive their destination faster. Without this kind of new technology, people might spend more time and energy finding out where they are and where they should go.

参考答案 2: For me, the first thing that pops inio my mind is the alarm in my phonek which can make sure I won't sleep in so thit I can arrive early as I planned .unfortunately,this does not work all the time. Sometime I srill oversleep in the morning. But 1 need to worry aboul that, because some user-fnendly mobile applications cao me arrive in advance, such as Dldi, u C'hln«se version of Uber.This appme gain Instant gccew to Uni Uml 1 can plenty of time for travelling, without having to take public transport.

4. What kinds of jobs require the most pa lienee?

参考答案 1:I suppose jobs like nursing require the most patience, in my point of view, When th«y look after patients, nurses have to listen to their compiaining» and try to help them to build up conHdence to triumph over diseases.

参考答案 2: I think every job requires certain levds of patience, but varies widely from job to job. Among all kinds of jobs, being a teacher is one of those which need a lot of patience, especially kindergarten teachers. Working with kids means you need to always be patient with their mischief and being needy.

5. Is it always better to be patient in work (or studies)?

参考答案 1: Frankly speaking, I think we should always be patient in work or study, especially when we meet some difficult situations. For example, if we lose our patience when we are woridng on multiple tasks or waiting for a meeting to surt, we are very to feel anxious, annoyed or angry; all these negative feelings will affect our work efficiency and productivity.

参考答案 2: Well, generally speaking, it seems better to be patient in work, cspecially in some service industries, because it is one way to show us being professional and our commitment to our jobs and clients. However, 1 think being patient should apply to both us and our clients, I mean, if some customers are being rude or even insult us, it will be incredibly difficult to keep patient all the time.

6. Do you agree or disagree that the old peopie are, the more palimt they are?

参考答案 1: Yes, I think so. I firmly believe that older people have experienced more than young individuals. This means these older people are mature enough to handle thinge by drawing on years of work experiences and age-based wisdom. They will think twice before they act, whereas young people, especially those who are during their puberty, might have difficulties controlling their emotions appropriately in comparison.

参考答案 2: Maybe not. I don’t think the older people are, the more patience they have. Generally speaking, the older agt» group, compared with the youths p^ys much more atuntion to efficiency. That means, they are eager lo complete tasks and missions quickly in a short lime; however, if the real situation falls short of their expecialions, they will lu»e patience easily.


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