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剑桥雅思11听力Test4答案详细解析Section 3


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剑桥雅思11听力Test4答案详细解析Section 3

Question 21 & Question 22

答案:B D (in either order)


D: they‘d done quite extensive tours in different continents...

B: I wasn't specifically looking for artists who'd produced recordings, but this is something that's just taken for granted these days, arid they all had.

解题思路:They‘d done quite extensive tours in different continents 对应选项D;后面提到recordings,以及they all had,对应B选项。

Question 23 & Question 24

答案:A B (in either order)


JOANNA: I‘d thought it might ... it was all quite informal though and in fact they seemed very keen to talk. A: And I don't think using the phone meant I got less rich data, rather the opposite in fact.

B: if I was going to interview leading musicians it’d only be possible over the phone

解题思路:telephone interviews 定位后很容易听到B选项。后面提到担心录音质量,但是worked out all right,排除E;关于时间,提到至少半小时,有的会更长一些,所以排除D选项;后面虽然说了stressful,但是又说受访者很乐意交谈,C排除。最后说我不认为电话访谈获取的信息少,选A。

Question 25 & Question 26

答案:B E (in either order)


JOANNA: …B: When I started I was more interested in trying to investigate the impact of what was worn on those listening, and also…E: whether someone like a violinist might adopt a different style of clothing from, say, someone playing the flute or the trumpet.

解题思路:抓住题干中的originally,因此录音中的 when I started 预示着后面内容为题目答案;后面提到 trying to investigate… 意为试图调查着装对听听众的影响,对应选项B;紧接着说了whether someone like a …意为是否一个小提琴手会从笛子或喇叭演奏者那里借鉴不同风格的服装,对应选项E。

Question 27



SUPERVISOR: You only had women performers in your study. Was that because male musicians are less worried about fashion?

JOANNA: I think a lot of the men are very much influenced by fashion, but in social terms the choices they have are more limited ... they'd really upset audiences if they stayed away from quite narrow boundaries.

解题思路:women performance 进行定位比较简单,女说男人更容易被时尚所影响,排除A;接着提到在社会规则下男人对服装的选择更有限,对应C选项。

Question 28



SUPERVISOR: Hmm. Now, popular music has quite different expectations. Did you read Mike Frost's article about the dress of women performers in popular music?


SUPERVISOR: He points out that a lot of female singers and musicians in popular music tend to dress down in performances, and wear less feminine clothes, like jeans instead of skirts, and he suggests this is because otherwise they'd just be discounted as trivial.


Question 29



JOANNA: The subjects I interviewed felt this was really important. It's all to do with what we understand by performance as a public event. They believed the audience had certain expectations and it was up to them as performers to fulfill these expectations, to show a kind of esteem ...

SUPERVISOR: ... they weren't afraid of looking as if they'd made an effort to look good.

解题思路:audience at a performance 进行定位比较容易,后面提到表演者要满足观众预期,以示尊重;对应选项A,esteem和respect是同义表达。

Question 30



JOANNA: And I also got interested in what sports scientists are doing too, with regard to clothing.

SUPERVISOR: Musicians are quite vulnerable physically, aren't they, because the movements they carry out are very intensive and repetitive, so I'd imagine some features of sports clothing could safeguard the players from the potentially dangerous effects of this sort of thing.


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