
发布时间:2017-05-08 15:48




  例题练习 1

  (OG1-Passage I)

  溢流玄武岩高原占据了地球表面的很大一部分面积,其表面覆盖着厚厚的硬化熔岩。 科学家假定熔岩的大量流出形成了这些高原,而这些熔岩是由熔融物羽流从地球深处升起而导致的。

  Study l

  一个典型羽流的模型是使用计算机生成的。 研究人员假定羽流的“顶端”的熔融物到达表面后产生了溢流玄武岩高原。图1展示了计算机生成的羽流、其直径,以及羽流顶端达到地球表面的时间(单位百万年)。


  图片来自R. I. Hill等人的研究资料《地幔羽和大陆构造》。@1992,美国科学发展协会出版。

  Study 2

  研究人员研究了四个溢流玄武岩高原(A-D)。研究人员估算了每个高原区域的熔岩量(单位,立方千米)和熔岩的平均厚度。研究人员还估算了每个高原上熔岩的形成时间、速度(单位,立方千米/每年)。 表1展示了研究结果。


  表1来自Mark A. Richard等人的研究资料《溢流玄武岩和热点轨道:地幔羽顶端和末端》。@1989,美国科学发展协会出版。




  例题练习 1.1

  If the plume model in Study 1 is typical of a11 mantle plumes, the scientists would generalize that the heads of plumes are:

  A. approximately half the diameter of the tail.

  B. approximately twice the diameter of the tail.

  C. the same diameter as the tail.

  D. half as dense as the tail.


  l 实验总结类文章,此题为实验结果题。

  l 抓住定位词 Study 1,直接定位个实验,题目问 the heads of plumes 。

  l 根据Figure 1中,我们可以看到头的直径约为500km,尾的直径约为250km,很明显倍数关系是2倍,结合选项可知正确答案为B。

  例题练习 1.2

  The scientists in Study 3 hypothesized that the larger the volume of lava produced, the larger the number of marine organisms that would become extinct. If this hypothesis is correct, the formation of which of the following plateaus caused the largest number of marine organisms to become extinct?

  F. Plateau A

  G. Plateau B

  H. Plateau C

  J. Plateau D


  l 实验总结类文章,此题为实验假设题。

  l 抓住定位词 Study 3 & the volume of lava produced,题干给出的假设是 that the larger the volume of lava produced, the larger the number of marine organisms that would become extinct 。

  l 根据Study 3描述“Scientists found that 3 large extinctions of marine organisms had ages simi1ar to those of the formation of 3 of the flood basalt plateaus; 58 Myr, 66 Myr, and133 Myr. ”,纵观全文Study 2的Table 1中给出了Plateau A,B,C,D的信息,对比可知,实验3中给出的三个plateaus数据,非常靠近A,B,C的Age,同时D的volume of lava produced是四个中的,我们完全可以推断第四个发生在D附近,结合选项可知正确答案为J。

  例题练习 1.3

  Based on the results of Study 2, a flood basalt plateau that produced lava for a period of 1.8 Myr would most likely have a lava volume:

  A. between 1,440,000 km3 and 1,500,000 km3.

  B. between 1,500,000 km3 and 2,000,000 km3.

  C. between 2,000,000km3 and 2,125,000 km3.

  D. over 2,125,000 km3.


  l 实验总结类文章,此题为实验推断题。

  l 抓住定位词 Study 2,直接定位到第3段部分和Table 1,题目考察a flood basalt plateau that produced lava for a period of 1.8 Myr 。

  l 根据表格中我们可以看到Length of time lava was produced的变化趋势是先降低后增加,所以1.8应该出现在1.7后面,同时随着时间变化,Lava volume的变化趋势是也是先降低后增加,并且两组数据值对应值,借此推断1.8时,Lava volume的值应该大于2125000,由此可知正确答案为D。

  例题练习 1.4

  According to Study 2, which of the following statements best describes the relationship, if any between the age of a flood basalt plateau and the length of time lava was produced at that plateau?

  F. As the age of a plateau increases, the length of time lava was produced increases.

  G. As the age of a plateau increases, the length of time lava was produced decreases.

  H. As the age of a plateau increases, the length of time lava was produced increases, and then decreases.

  J. There is no apparent relationship between the age of a plateau and the length of time lava was produced.


  l 实验总结类文章,此题为实验结果题。

  l 抓住定位词 Study 2,直接定位到第3段部分和Table 1。

  l 考察两组数据间的关系,直接看表格数据,根据表格来看the age of a flood basalt plateau依次递增时,Length of time lava was produced是先减后增,F,G,H选项均不符合,由此可知正确答案为J。

  例题练习 1.5

  Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between the age of a flood basalt plateau and the rate of lava production?



  l 实验总结类文章,此题为实验结果画图题。

  l 抓住定位词 the age of a flood basalt plateau and the rate of lava production,题目考察两者关系。

  l 看到选项,横坐标是age of plateau,直接看到Table 1,找到对应rate的数值,根据表格可知正确答案为B。

  例题练习 1.6

  If the hypothesis made by the scientists in Study 3 is correct, evidence would most likely be found of another extinction of marine organisms that occurred around:

  F. 77 Myr ago.

  G. 192 Myr ago.

  H. 250 Myr ago.

  J. 314 Myr ago.


  l 实验总结类文章,此题为实验假设题。

  l 抓住定位词 Study 3 ,假设实验三正确,题目考察 another extinction of marine organisms 发生的时间。

  l 根据最后一段,三个发生灭绝的时间分别是58,66,133 Myr,对应到表格1中,分别是A,B,C附近数值,据此推断,第四个应该发生在D附近,由此可知正确答案为D。

  知识拓展 1


  l 玄武岩(basalt),洋壳主要组成,是一种地下岩浆从火山中喷出或从地表裂隙中溢出凝结形成的火成岩,也是地球陆壳和月球月陆的重要组成物质。

  l 玄武岩的主要成分是硅铝酸钠或硅铝酸钙,二氧化硅的含量大约是45-52%,还含有较高的氧化铁和氧化镁,是一种细粒致密的黑色岩石。由于喷发时产生大量气孔,有时是大孔如杏仁状构造,后来中间常被其他矿物充填。玄武岩岩浆的黏度小,易于流动,形成很大的覆盖层,常形成广大的熔岩台地,所以分布很广。

  l 玄武岩根据其成分不同可以分为拉斑玄武岩、碱性玄武岩、高铝玄武岩;按其结构不同可分为气孔状玄武岩、杏仁状玄武岩、玄武玻璃;按其充填矿物不同可分为橄榄玄武岩、紫苏辉石玄武岩等。

  l 没有被风化的玄武岩是黑色或暗绿色的致密岩石,由于其凝结后产生六方晶体节理,被风化后形成六方柱状,风化厉害可以形成黄褐色的玄武土,如果进一步被雨水淋滤,除去二氧化硅形成铝土矿。有的玄武岩气孔中还充填有铜、钴、硫磺等矿物。

  ACT科学 Session1地球学相关例题解析可:ACT科学Session3地球学(气象学-例题解析)ACT科学Session3地球学(考古学-例题解析)

试听预约 模考预约
ACT科学Session3地球学(实战练习Practice 6)
ACT科学Session3地球学(实战练习Practice 5)