

2021-05-26 16:50来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2017年3月30日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2017年3月30日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆


Passage 1



Content Review


Questions & Answers

Questions 1-5 Matching


1.能够自行防御昆虫: B

2.成熟快: A

3.叶子少,文中说semi-leafless: E

4.树干粗: A

5.做动物饲料, 给鸟吃的: C

Questions 6-10


文中说他一开始想做biological scientist,因为竞争激烈,没当上)



8. A** pea比较干净,因为长在地上。NG

文中只说A** pea干很粗,没有提到干部干净)

9. breach match** pea的价值更高。F

文中说了match** pea存放不长,- 旦breaching, 就从绿色变白色,价值立刻跌了30%)



Questions 11-13

11.根据特殊需要,选择特别的parent plant,来种特定的豆子。

12.种在glasshouse room里,有助观察。


Passage 2


English Restoration Theatre

Content Review


Charles I was removed from the throne and in 1 660, Charles I, who have been living in the France, was invited to retur from exile and rule England. Monarchy was restored and the new period was called restoration. And Charles II began to reform the theatre. The old theatre was out of date.


There are two important person: Thomas and William Davenant, who are the playwrights before the civil war, when many theaters were closed. In 1 656, Davenant presented the

Siege of Rhodes, whichis considered the first English Opera .


All the theatres were now indoor proscenium- arch buildings. Stages were divided into two distinct halves. the apron-the forestage in front of the proscenium, and the backstage. The

proscenium doors were used for entrances and exists. Musicians played in the room above. The shutters would be opened and closed when the scenes changed.


At that time, many female actors began to perform in the theatre. Although they were not trained, they were good at acting. Nell Gwynn was the first celebrity actor.


Another revolution happened in the playhouse and their audience. Audience were quite spirited in their behaviour during performances. They will spoke to the actors, arranged

assignations with each other and attended the theatre to be seen rather than to see the play.


The play also changed a lot At that time, the most popular play was those have the characteristics of that period. Aphra Behn was one of the first English women to eam her

living by her writing, she broke cultural barriers and served as a literary role model for later generations of women authors.


At that time, tragedy was also very popular. There was a famous performer names Thomas Betterton, who was noted for his dazzling characterizations of Shakespeare's

tragic heroes.

Questions & Answers

Questions 14-20 List of heading

14. ParagraphA- new beginning of monarchy and theatre

15. Paragraph B _links with old times

16. Paragraph C- - the change of layout in actor areas

17. Paragraph D---female performers

18. Paragraph E- _the change of theatre and audience

19. Paragraph F- _the most typical style in that period

20. Paragraph G-- comedy is not the only type of play

Questions 21-23 matching

21. the first female playwight.-- Aphra Behn (F段)

22. write the first English opera- -William Davenant(B段)

23. acted in tragedy- -Thomas Betterton (G段)

Questions 24-26 sentence completion

(答案在C段关于theatre. architecture 的部分)

24. The front of the stage was calld apron

25. During the play, musician were in the room above the proscenium- arch.

26. The shutters would be moved when a new scene began.

Passage 3



Content Review

200 years ago, Lewis and Clark, two geologists set out on an expedition and this was to result in several discoveries, however, it took a long time before the importance of these

discoveries was fully recognized.


Before the 19th century, geology was barely a science. But in 1803, the US president Thomas Jefferson ordered an expedition to explore the Missouri territories; he could not have picked better geologists than Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. They took meticulous notes and drew them into conclusions. It took 2 centuries before their work was appreciated.


One of Lewis's more interesting discoveries was the description of 'pumice', a particular kind of light grey, stone, which had been seen by former explorers, floating down the

Missouri River. He found that its origin had nothing to do with volcanism. as previously believed. It was actually formed when the coal seams caught fire and cooked the overlying

rocks .

Lewis had the similar insight whenhe penned one of the earliest known descriptions of the petrified wood. He said he had met those wood several times, and the petrified wood from

western Dakota was actually coal, beneath something looking like wood, so they were easily mistaken as weathered timber. His description was perfect. Only one thing he was

missing was that the wood was not petrified by the river water, whereas it was petrified by the slow action of the relocating ground water.


Elsewhere in their jourals, they found that the muddy tributaries in Missouri River had their resources on the Great Plain, however, the Missouni clear water sprang from the


Another discovery was on the Columbia Water, slightly upstream of the Bonneville Dam.

They found dead fir trees rose out of the water, 6 meters deep. Aware those trees would not grow in water, Clark realized that the water might be dammed somewhere and it

flooded the forests that once grew on its banks. Also he noticed the curTent there was unusually slow. He guessed that there might be big rapids downstream, so he took a boat

there to see if he was right. He saw the boulders on the river and it tumed out to be brought by a big landslide. Some explorers also posed some conflicting theories about

this. No agreement had been reached until 1916, and it proved that Clark's answer was right.


Present-day geologists realized the contributions these two explorers had made and their journals were really important and it provides detailed description what America was like

before the West Expansion. And also their joumals were put into practical use, for example, the way Clark measured the current in the Columbia River is now used by the conventionalists who try to protect fishes there.

The plant specimens they brought back are the greatest contribution they made to science, because these provide clues for the geologists to analyze the growing conditions

of the region where these plants were from.

Questions & Answers

Questions 27-31 Matching

27. A referring to a stone whose origin was once wrongly identifed - Paragraph B

28. An explanation of a rive having water of venifying quality -- Paragraph D

29. The time it has taken for their work to be appreciated一Paragraph A

30. Lewis's conclusion was not completely right - Paragraph C

31. The samples which are still useful to nowadays scientific research - Paragraph G

Questions 32-37 Fill in the blanks

One word only

Observation on Columbia water

Dead frs seen ina 32. water, 6 meters depth -- forests were 33. flooded from the banks Slow current - big 34. rapids which were located 35. downstream Obstruction of a number of 36. boulders - brought by an enormous 37. landslide

Questions 38-40 True/F alseNot Given

38. Lewis and Clark had been on many expeditions before 1803 - NOT GIVEN

39. Lewis was the first one to describe how the pumice was formed - FALSE

40. Lewis's description of petrified wood was totally inaccurate一FALSE







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