首页>雅思考试备考专区>雅思口语>雅思口语part2话题:Describe a long car journey you went on

雅思口语part2话题:Describe a long car journey you went on

2017-05-18 14:36来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2话题:Describe a long car journey you went on

  Describe a long car journey you went on.

  You should say:

  where you went

  what you did at this place

  who you went there with


  and explain why you went on that journey by car.The long car journey I’ve ever had was in last Spring Festival when we had 14-day vacation, so my family decided to have a trip to Shanghai by car. There were three people of us, so we thought that driving was a more economical and convenient way. We left Beijing about 7 o’clock in the morning and drove southward.

  We didn’t constantly drive along but visited several other cities as well during our trip. For example, we stayed in the city of Xuzhou in the Jiangsu Province for two days because it was a historical city and there were many famous cultural heritage. After about four-day driving, we finally reached our destination. We visited many renowned places, like the bustling City God Temple, and peaceful Century Park, the gorgeous Yu Garden, and the breath-taking Pudong skyline, and tasted lots of indigenous food.

  Travelling by our own car enables us to plan our itinerary freely, so that we can go somewhere very conveniently and don’t have to waste our time in the train station and airport. Besides, we can take and buy lots of things on the way and then put them in our car, which always makes our travelling fruitful.

雅思口语part2话题:Describe a long car journey you went on


  Actually my parents and I drive to relatives’ place every spring festival and there was once we decided to visit my uncle in Beihai, a small city famous for its spectacular water and beach scenery.

  We spent three days on the road and the reason why we chose traveling by car was quite simple: we had plenty of time and we really desired a soothing trip. We really enjoyed this journey because we pulled over anytime we wanted just to enjoy the beautiful view along the road or taste the delicious snacks cooked by peddlers. Also, we had opportunities to see different kinds of buildings and structures and took photos of them .There was one particular temple that I remembered. It was extremely quiet and solemn, surrounded by bamboos. By the time we arrived , we just ran into the monks ringing the bell in the sunset.

  Of course there were still several times when we were stuck in the traffic congestion but we were never anxious or upset, but patiently waited because everything we saw along the road was fresh and attracted us a lot.

  This is actually not an easy trip but it brought me a lot of happiness and new experiences.



  Describe a long car journey you went on.

  You should say:

  where you went

  how long it took

  who you went there with

  and explain why you went on that journey by car.

  Sample Answer:

  Robert initially decided to marry his beloved in the Bengali style and hired a venue in Kolkata. Accordingly I reached Kolkata by a flight from Greece. I had to attend the ceremony as he insisted and sent me tickets for the travel. After landing in Kolkata, it took about over 30 hours for me to reach the destination. The destination was 1462 kilometers away from Kolkata. But the journey was comfortable for me as Robert arranged a car for me that carried me to New Delhi.

  It took over a day and night for me to reach New Delhi. The distance is huge from Kolkata. The journey was outstanding. It was a large four-seated sedan car. The car started journey from Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata in India, the airport was known as Dum Dum Airport. The car started journey at 8 am sharp, though I touched the land at 6.30 and had spent the time outside the airport building to get familiar with the area. I have never been to West Bengal in my life. I did not have the idea about the distance and when I came to know about that, I bought few thrillers from the books stalls in the airport.

  I was all alone in the car except the driver. It was an exciting journey for me but in the night time I had nothing to do except watching movies on my laptop. But I met many of my friends who came to attend the marriage ceremony too. The journey from Kolkata to New Delhi will stay in my mind for longer days. Robert assigned a native driver who was familiar with the road networks of Kolkata and New Delhi. He drove the car skillfully and took me at the marriage venue about half an hour before the commencement. The driver’s company was enjoyable indeed. He did not ask many questions like the others did when I got down from the airplane. Rather he assisted me in almost every aspect and took care of me.It was inconvenient for me to travel in a foreign country and alone, Robert arranged the car with the thought of my comfort. I am obliged with his cordiality, indeed.


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