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雅思口语part2话题:Describe one of your best friends

2017-05-03 18:50来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2话题:Describe one of your best friends



  Describe one of your best friends

  When and how you became friends

  What kind of person he or she is

  What you usually do when you are together

  And explain why he or she is one of your best friends


  Well, ok then. I am going to talk about one of my best friends,frank. He is only over eighteen but he is well-developed; so he is thought to be twenty or more.

  I met him when I was a third grader at school. I still remember I was sitting next to him at class. After we have talked to each other for a while, I found we shared similar interests and we hit it off instantly.

  Anyway, in terms of what kind of person he is? Well…I think probably the best word to describe him would be disciplined, because, you know, He is always consistent in doing the things he knows he should do. um, what else?... um…yeah, he is also very sociable and likeable, coz I mean, he just loves being around people and making friends I think he gets on well with pretty much everyone.

  When we are together, we enjoy doing many things such as fishing, watching movies and playing basketball. But among all these things, we love playing basketball the most. You see, on weekends, we usually get together and play basketball at the basketball court near my house. I think whatever we do, we always have a ball together.

  Well, there are couple of reasons why he is my best friend, one of which is that he truly cares about me. When I feel sad, he always tries his hardest to cheer me up. Another reason is that we have similar characters and interests. As the old saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. And I think that’s why we choose to spend time together. that’s pretty much it. thanks for listening.

  A third grader: 三年级学生

  Hit it off:一拍即合

  Disciplined: 有纪律的

  Get on well:相处很好

  Pretty much everyone: 差不多每个人

  Have a ball: 玩的开心

  Cheer someone up: 让某人愉快

  Birds of a feather flock together: 物以类聚



  My college roommate Nancy is one of my best friends in my life. She’s the oldest one in our dorm, so we all call her big sis. She’s like, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. Her sparkling eyes, and the killer smile, really made a great first impression on me.

  We met on the Orientation Day. She was dressed in a white T-shirt and black shorts, which really brought out her slim figure. She sat next to me and seemed super friendly, so I just struck up a conversation with her. We really hit it off, I mean, we went on and on about our likes and dislikes, and it turned out, we basically had the same interests! Like, we are both crazy about American TV series, and we both can’t stand Korean soap operas. It really gave me a sense of belonging back then, to know that there’s someone who can be my friend when I was in a completely new environment.

  We spent 4 years together, and she’ like the sister I’ve never had. It seemed that she could read my mind and she was always able to finish my sentence. She was thoughtful and always had my back. I just couldn’t thank her enough for the things she’s ever done for me.

  And now she’s married, and we haven’t seen each other for like 2 years, ‘cause we are both so tied up with work and study, but we constantly chat on social networking websites, and she’s still my BFF.


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