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雅思口语part1范文:Outdoor activities

2017-03-20 16:15来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part1范文:Outdoor activities,该话题是2017年上半年的必考话题,和新航道雅思团队一起来学学吧!其实在去年的时候,小编就和大家分享过该话题,具体的范文为:雅思口语part1高频话题:outdoor activities户外运动该说点啥。

  雅思口语part1范文:Outdoor activities,该话题是2017年上半年的必考话题,和新航道雅思团队一起来学学吧!

  其实在去年的时候,小编就和大家分享过该话题,具体的范文,请:雅思口语part1高频话题:outdoor activities户外运动该说点啥。虽然今天分享的雅思口语范文也是这个话题,但是答案是不一样的哦!

  1. What do you do in your spare time?

  I always go to play basketball with some of my friends in the court next to our community after school and on weekends.

  2. Do you like outdoor activities?

  Well of course. As a high school student, I need to sit in the classroom almost 8 hours a day. So tiring and boring. Outdoor activities like basketball or even walking in the sports field can be relaxing. A change of circumstances and surroundings from stereotypes to freshness will always bring positive energy. Right?

  3. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?

  Ah I never count that. I mean I always go outdoors to walk or do some sports like basketball or badminton with my friends when I am free. And I believe it must be tiring to record every time the time length we spend outdoors. Don’t you think so?

  4. How often do you do outdoor activities?

  I do it almost every day. I am high school student now and it is a boarding school I go to. It is 15 minutes’ walk from our dorm to the classroom. And I do that 6 times per day. And as for sports, I normally play some basketball or badminton during lunch break for about 30 minutes, just to take my mind off the heavy load of studies.

  5. What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?

  We have various popular activities in China. For the old, they love to do Taichi in the parks in the morning; for the younger ones, they like to kick a ball around in the field and play some basketball in the court; and so many people enjoy playing table tennis over the tables offered in the community; and girls adore badminton or yoga more.

  6. What do you usually do in your leisure time?

  In terms of outdoor activities, I usually play basketball with my friend in the court right next to our community and it is a fun time to hang and to take my mind off the big pile of homework and heavy load of studies.

  7. How can people make full use of leisure time?

  That is a pretty difficult question to answer especially for me who have no learning and understanding of psychology. But I believe various activities, indoor and outdoor can help people make full use of their leisure time. And more importantly, we should devise some methods to drag them off the tempting sofa with delicious chips, which is a much preferred activity to do after school or work for modern citizens.

  8. Do you have enough leisure time?

  I serious don’t think so. As a high school student going to a boarding school, I need to spend 6 days a week in school and almost 17 hours to study every day. How can we have enough time for leisure especially when we have to compete with the large amount of students of the same grade for college entry examinations?

  9. What is the most popular thing for people in your country enjoy doing to relax in leisure time?

  Well I gotta say that people choose differently. The aged one enjoy doing Tai Chi or playing mahjong as they have too much leisure time. Working class love to hang out with friends in KTV or cafes with friends; students love to do all kinds of sports in their spare time. So it is very difficult to define the most popular one. We have many the MOST popular ones.










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