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剑8雅思口语Test1Part1范文- neighbors

2017-03-09 17:29来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



  1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

  重点在于回答“how well”,可以是“very well”,“know my neighbor inside out”或“know nothing about them”。其实在都市中生活,对自己的邻居不了解、不熟悉完全正常。但是如果 生活在乡村,邻里关系可能就很重要。

  2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

  重点在于频率“how often”,可以是“very often”,也可以是“rarely”或“never”。考生还可 以进一步讲看到自己的邻居干什么,或自己看到他们后有什么反应,说什么话,做什么事。

  3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?



  4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?

  俗话说的好 ,“远水解不了近渴”(While the grass grows, the horse starves.) 邻居在紧急时刻还 是能助一臂之力的,例如火警、抢劫、盗窃等等......



  1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

  well, rarely, meet, encounter, come across with, be acquainted with, stranger, amicable, hospitable.

  2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

  everyday, in the morning, at night, once in a while, from time to time, frequently, bump into, run into.

  3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?

  trouble, quarrel, fight, dispute, conflict, interest, selfish, public space, communal space.

  4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?

  While the grass grows, the horse starves; Slow remedy cannot meet an emergency; urgency, lend a hand, come handy, aid, assist, watch over, look after.



  1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?

  Honestly, I don’t know them well. I guess this is just part of the urban life. Look, I get up at 7 or before 7 every morning to commute to work and come back late every night. You know, it’s a city thing, work, stress, transportation, traffic jam and stuff. And once I get home, I always can’t wait to hit my pillow. So how could I possibly have any free time to care to know who they really are or even to socialize with them? It’ll be all good to me as long as they’re not terrorists or some homicide fugitives.

  Well, I can’t say I know my neighbors very well, but I guess I do know something about them, like where they’re from and what they do for a living.

  2. How often do you see them? [Why/Why not?]

  Though I can’t help bumping into them from time to time, we never really talked. You know, it’s like you just don’t feel like talking to a stranger unless he/she first speaks to you. And I guess he thinks the same about me.

  I guess it’s quite often. I keep running into them either before work or after work. That’s when we all stand in the hallway waiting for the elevator to come. Then we would talk about just this and that, some small talks.

  3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbors?

  Well, I’ve never had any problems with my neighbors or maybe just not yet. But I’ve heard people talk about it from time to time. And it seems to me that people complain about the noise their neighbors make quite a lot. Apart from that, I just can’t think of anything else right now.

  The biggest problem a lot of people have with their neighbors is the public space in the hallway. Look, I have a neighbor who puts his motorbike in there. Not only does his motorbike make the whole place look bad, but also it’s unsafe in case of emergency, say fire or earthquake. I really hate it.

  4. How do you think neighbors can help each other?

  It’s not really easy for neighbors to help each other if they’re not acquainted well. That I mean small help, but I guess neighbors can really come in handy in case of emergency. That’s all I have now in mind at the moment.

  There are quite a lot of things neighbors can do to help each other from moving some furniture to looking after child, from car sharing to property watching. Anyway, nothing comes handy like communal help when you really need it. So everyone should start socializing with their neighbors if not more often.




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